What kind of border collie mix doesn't need as much exercise?

I always wanted a border collie, but i don't know if i can keep him exercised as much as they need.If not i want a dog that has a lot of energy, but doesn't need to be exercised all the time.I meant a dog that dosent kill me if i dont go a mile long…

    What kind of border collie mix doesn't need as much exercise?

    I always wanted a border collie, but i don't know if i can keep him exercised as much as they need.If not i want a dog that has a lot of energy, but doesn't need to be exercised all the time.I meant a dog that dosent kill me if i dont go a mile long…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What kind of border collie mix doesn't need as much exercise?...

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    • What kind of border collie mix doesn't need as much exercise?

      What kind of border collie mix doesn't need as much exercise? Dog Breed Discussions
      I always wanted a border collie, but i don't know if i can keep him exercised as much as they need.If not i want a dog that has a lot of energy, but doesn't need to be exercised all the time.I meant a dog that dosent kill me if i dont go a mile long walk!!!!!!!

      What kind of border collie mix doesn't need as much exercise?

      What kind of border collie mix doesn't need as much exercise? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Dogs need regular exercise, energetic breeds and mixes even more so. If you are not certain about your ability to provide enough training and exercise, it may not be the right time for a pet.

    • Mixes will carry attributes from the breeds they are mixed with, sometimes more strongly than others. With mixes it's hard to determine exactly how it will turn out.But generally, a BC (mixed or not) is going to be higher energy than the average dog. There's not really a way around that. There are some dogs I admire for their spirit & beauty & what they can do, but I know I could never manage them or they wouldn't fit with my lifestyle. So I don't hope to own them. It wouldn't be fair to the dog & it would test my sanity. ;)Perhaps instead look for a breed which fits better with your energy level, schedule & lifestyle. You will be happier in the end.

    • Unfortunately for you, a dog with high energy must have plenty of exercise. A high energy dog like a border collie or jack russell MUST have a job to do. They cannot be left to their own devices, because of their drive and intelligence. They will find a way to entertain themselves and that usually means doing something that we humans don't care for. You need to look into a breed that has lower energy and not much drive. Even then, they still must have time to run and play.

    • That's not going to happen. There is no such dog that has high energy but doesn't need constant exercise. ALL dogs need constant exercise or they can become destructive, neurotic, obsessive, or even aggressive. You'll want to re-evaluate your needs and do some research before you make any decisions.

    • NONE! All BC mixes are more energetic than your average dog. And a dog that has lots of energy but doesn't need to be exercised much? Wow, you really don't expect a lot from your dog, do you?! Sorry, honey. That's not likely at all. If you cannot exercise it do NOT get a Border Collie or any high energy dog for that matter. Get a nice, laid back breed, like an English Bulldog or a Pug.

    • It's clear you don't have much of a committment to exercising a dog even before you get one, which is a concern because most people are best about exercising their dogs initially, then slacking off over time. So if you're starting out without much interest in exercise already, a border collie or mix is not a good call for you, nor is any energetic dog. Consider an older/ senior dog in need of a good home.

    • even though you may love the dog, if the energy is to high try to find another breed. Another thing you could try is the pound you will never know what you might find. I don't know why you want one so bad but you can look at what you like in the dog and find a dog that is similar in what you like that is lower energy.

    • Well one solution is to get a border collie into herding if that is available in your area. Also if you are curious on another breed that could fit your life style see http://www.nextdaypets.com/directory/dogs/BreedMatch/

    • Anything with a border collie mix is going to need a lot of exercise. You forget that border collies aren't the only dogs with high energy levels, so even a mix might be mixed with another high energy dog and so there will be no difference.If you just want a dog to take on a 20 minute walk a day, pick something smaller...or research on the internet what is a low to medium level energy dog.

    • Ava has given you an excellent answer. There are many dog breeds that are exceptionally attractive to own, but the reality is we must choose what fits our lifestyles. That is why there are so many breeds!If you are not into high energy, and don't want to dedicate loads of time to exercising your dog, you should stay away from the herding breeds altogether. There is no herding breed that is not high energy.

    • A stuffed one ;-)A dog that has a lot of energy will always need a lot of exercise. And that doesn't begin to address the other quirks of owning a BC- its not the physical exercise, its the mental exercise they need.

    • Maybe you should first of ask yourself what you want a dog for. If it´s just as a companion than you should stay away from all the herding breeds and working breeds in general - and the mixes of them. Because all of them need plenty of physical and mental exercise and that EVERY day! As someone already mentioned you might better visit your local shelter and find a dog there. One that is NOT high energy!!!!!!!!

    • If you don't want to go on mile-long walks, a lower energy dog would be a much better choice, or perhaps a very small dog, to whom a mile is a long walk, or which is small enough to get exercise charging around the house. I have a Border/Lab mix. She's pretty laid back, will take all the exercise I care to give her but doesn't fuss if she doesn't get a long walk one day. However, after more than one day without decent exercise, she definitely has some energy to burn off. With any of the Lab mixes I've always had, a mile is a basic minimum for a walk at least once a day. If you have a yard and can play fetch for half an hour twice a day, that's a pretty good substitute.