What happens if a dog gets his daughter pregnant?

We have a female puppy who is a few months old but we also own her dad. She's a puppy right now so she hasn't been in heat, but I was just wondering what would happen if her dad were to get her pregnant? We're getting her fixed anyways but just a random…

    What happens if a dog gets his daughter pregnant?

    We have a female puppy who is a few months old but we also own her dad. She's a puppy right now so she hasn't been in heat, but I was just wondering what would happen if her dad were to get her pregnant? We're getting her fixed anyways but just a random…...
    General Dog Discussions : What happens if a dog gets his daughter pregnant?...

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    • What happens if a dog gets his daughter pregnant?

      What happens if a dog gets his daughter pregnant? General Dog Discussions
      We have a female puppy who is a few months old but we also own her dad. She's a puppy right now so she hasn't been in heat, but I was just wondering what would happen if her dad were to get her pregnant? We're getting her fixed anyways but just a random thought u kno?? lolOkay for those of you who think that I'm trying to cross them I'm NOT. I do not want that, it's just a question.

      What happens if a dog gets his daughter pregnant?

      What happens if a dog gets his daughter pregnant? General Dog Discussions
    • funny question xDDreally its common in dogs,if that was to happen it would be no biggie.Some dogs even mate with there sisters and brothers! :O how weird is that?XD

    • Most of the time, if the puppies even make it to birth they will have to be put down because of serious birth defects. I seen this with a litter once and one of the puppies made it to birth but its paws were backwards. Not good!

    • Most female dogs are able to begin reproducing at about 5-6 months and onward unless fixed, Any health problems that are in the parent dogs medical history has an increased chance of showing up in any future puppies if inbreeding does occur.

    • WHY do you have a male dog that is capable of getting any dog pregnant? There are far too many unwanted dogs in shelters already. We don't need more unwanted dogs.

    • Depends on the breed. If you have a purebred ANYTHING, you are much more likely to see problems from the genetics, since purebred are chronically inbred already. If you have mixed breed dogs, you still have the risk of deformed pups, but most likely they will be alright. The diversity in their genes makes them stronger against inbreeding.

    • Breeding within this close a family tie is very dangerous and would result in many health problems for the puppies. The vet bills would be enormous. Not worth the risk. In the wild, a wolf will send the offspring away so this could not happen. For a family pet, there is no choice as the male and female are in too close a proximity. Spay, neuter.

    • Health problems can occur with pups.It isn't uncommon with animals, especially animals in which the breeding is controlled by humans. White tigers come about from inbreeding resulting in things like this http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00704/whitetigerdeformed1.jpe

    • depending on the amount of in breeding depends on what would happen , what recessive genes do they carry? good breeders use this type of breeding to set desirable, the problem is it can also produce and set the bad to.