After neutering, do male dogs still produce sexual liquids?

This question might sound a little different, but the last thing that we need right now are puppies. Our male dog was neutered about six months back. Recently, he was humping our female dog and some clear liquid came out of him. Is this normal for a…

    After neutering, do male dogs still produce sexual liquids?

    This question might sound a little different, but the last thing that we need right now are puppies. Our male dog was neutered about six months back. Recently, he was humping our female dog and some clear liquid came out of him. Is this normal for a…...
    General Dog Discussions : After neutering, do male dogs still produce sexual liquids?...

    • After neutering, do male dogs still produce sexual liquids?

      After neutering, do male dogs still produce sexual liquids? General Dog Discussions
      This question might sound a little different, but the last thing that we need right now are puppies. Our male dog was neutered about six months back. Recently, he was humping our female dog and some clear liquid came out of him. Is this normal for a neutered dog or do we have a problem with a possible failed surgery? Thanks for your time.

      After neutering, do male dogs still produce sexual liquids?

      After neutering, do male dogs still produce sexual liquids? General Dog Discussions
    • The neutering of a dog is the removal of the organs that produce the reproductive materials. That being said, there should be no chance of him fathering any puppies. If he is around a female in season, he will still hump, and possibly tie with her, but he will not get her pregnant.On that note, you should consider having your female dog fixed as well, seeing as while your male won't get her pregnant, any other dog on the block could.

    • No, after 6 months, there will be no sperm left. However, sperm does live for a few weeks in the body after neutering, so it is possible for a short period after neutering, for a dog to get a b1tch pregnant. If your neutered male tied with your unspayed female while she was in heat, you might have to worry about her developing a false pregnancy. Please talk to your vet, and spay your female if she isn't already.Add: To my TDers - please go check your facts. Recently neutered dogs still have residual, active sperm for a few weeks, and CAN get a female pregnant. Sperm is NOT just stored in the testicles. And females can go though false pregnancies. Instead of TDing me, why don't you try rebutting instead?

    • we had a neutered male at work who would always tie with the intact female that was his partner when she was in season.the clear liquid may be the protein part from the prostate, but if both testis were removed this liquid is harmless

    • I'm not sure what the 'clear liquid' that you saw might be if he's been castrated. It's not something I've ever seen..... it might be worth having him checked out by your vet if you are concerned. And it might be as well to book your female in to be spayed so you can be sure she won't present you with an unexpected surprise. If your male has been castrated (properly), and I can't see there's any question of a failed surgery, they either removed the testicles, or they didn't really, he could still mate (and tie) with a receptive female, but he can't produce puppies, particularly after six months!! Suggest you get him looked at, or check back with the vet who performed the surgery!!

    • Neutering removes the testicles, meaning there's no more sperm produced as that's where the body grows and stores them.There may still be liquid though, natural lubricant from the body, but no sperm should be in it. There's no such thing as a failed neutering if it's basic castration, either they are cut off or they aren't, so you needn't worry about that.If you got a different sort of neutering, like a chemical castration or a vasectomy, I would talk to the vet about the possibility of a reversal if you're worried.