How come every time my Lab enters the room my Border collie begins growling at her?

My lab has a habit of pushing my border collie out the way whenever he tries to approach me. Sometimes she will physically try to keep him out of the room if she and I were in there first. Many times, I have to physically push her aside so I can pet…

    How come every time my Lab enters the room my Border collie begins growling at her?

    My lab has a habit of pushing my border collie out the way whenever he tries to approach me. Sometimes she will physically try to keep him out of the room if she and I were in there first. Many times, I have to physically push her aside so I can pet…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How come every time my Lab enters the room my Border collie begins growling at her?...

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    • How come every time my Lab enters the room my Border collie begins growling at her?

      How come every time my Lab enters the room my Border collie begins growling at her? Dog Breed Discussions
      My lab has a habit of pushing my border collie out the way whenever he tries to approach me. Sometimes she will physically try to keep him out of the room if she and I were in there first. Many times, I have to physically push her aside so I can pet him. Now whenever she enters a room where he and I are....he will begin growing at her. Help!Lab (9 mos) Border (3 yrs)Are you stoned? Who said the lab was black?

      How come every time my Lab enters the room my Border collie begins growling at her?

      How come every time my Lab enters the room my Border collie begins growling at her? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Your Border collie may be getting jealous of your Lab. Just make sure you give them equal attention or the Border collie could become more aggresive towards the Lab and try biting her when you arent around.

    • I have the same problemI have a shih tzu that always growls at my boxer.I think this is because your border collie has been there longer and wants to be the dominant one.she/he doesn't want a new dog to come in the house and just start doing whatever it wants.The older dog always tries to take control.

    • You have a dominance argument on your hands. I would talk with an animal behaviorist before things get worse. You need to figure out who is the dominate one and then do everything with that dog first, it gets petted first, it eats first, it gets to go outside first, etc. The best person to help you to figure out the "pack order" is a professional. It may not seem fair to you, but dogs don't live in democracy they live in a hierarchy. To keep harmony in your household you need to do it their way.

    • Black labs are usually more layed back than that. Maybe she is jealous of the other dogI , and maybe the other dog feels like she is protecting you by growling. You need to find some way to make them compatible, the question is how? I wish I could find a way to help, other than that. Another reason could be cuz u have had the collie longer and she is jealous of the lab. In this case, you should teach her not to growl at the other dog before it gets out of hand, but at the same time show her u love her just as much as u did before you got the lab. BTW, how long have u had the lab? I hope this hasn't been going on for a few months.