What purposes can a border collie be used for except for sheep herding?

I just got a border collie and there are many sources which say that a border collie needs a "job" to do to be truly happy. I was wondering what kinds of "jobs" there are that you can teach a border collie except for sheep herding since I don't own sheep…

    What purposes can a border collie be used for except for sheep herding?

    I just got a border collie and there are many sources which say that a border collie needs a "job" to do to be truly happy. I was wondering what kinds of "jobs" there are that you can teach a border collie except for sheep herding since I don't own sheep…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What purposes can a border collie be used for except for sheep herding?...

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    • What purposes can a border collie be used for except for sheep herding?

      What purposes can a border collie be used for except for sheep herding? Dog Breed Discussions
      I just got a border collie and there are many sources which say that a border collie needs a "job" to do to be truly happy. I was wondering what kinds of "jobs" there are that you can teach a border collie except for sheep herding since I don't own sheep :)

      What purposes can a border collie be used for except for sheep herding?

      What purposes can a border collie be used for except for sheep herding? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Border collies are the top breed in many performance events. These include agility, obedience, and rally. I've also seen them in freestyle, search and rescue, and nose work. The sky's the limit in the things that a border collie can do.

    • Your dog doesn't really need a "job" - it's more that your dog needs to do things that physically and mentally stimulate it so that it is happy and not bored.Because with breeds like a Border Collie like to do some activities with their dogs like Agility and Fly Ball. Long walks and some good rounds of playing fetch will help too.But I strongly suggest something like Agility or Fly Ball - both you and your dog will enjoy it.

    • You don't need to own your own sheep. What you need to do, when the BC turns a year old, is to leave the dog with a sheepdog trainer for 3-4 months ($500.00 a month), and after that, take 2-3 lessons a week ($35.00-$50.00 an hour, depending on the caliber of the trainer). This is what your dog was bred to do.

    • Many thingsAgility, disc dog, flyball, obedience, rally-o.If your dog likes water you can try your hands at dock diving. I am not sure how good they would be at tracking, but I know people who have tried with bulldogs and have done pretty well, so I guess anything is possible.

    • Agility,Please do not spend $ to send your dog away to a trainer for several months. Anyone that pays someone else to train their dog for an extended period really doesn't know much about animals. Or care about their animals if they send them away.