How much am I allowed to sell rottweiler puppies for without papers?

I have a full german male rottweiler with papers and a female without. She is pregnant and I don't know how much I can sell them for without papers. Is there a law?

    How much am I allowed to sell rottweiler puppies for without papers?

    I have a full german male rottweiler with papers and a female without. She is pregnant and I don't know how much I can sell them for without papers. Is there a law?...
    General Dog Discussions : How much am I allowed to sell rottweiler puppies for without papers?...

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    • How much am I allowed to sell rottweiler puppies for without papers?

      How much am I allowed to sell rottweiler puppies for without papers? General Dog Discussions
      I have a full german male rottweiler with papers and a female without. She is pregnant and I don't know how much I can sell them for without papers. Is there a law?

      How much am I allowed to sell rottweiler puppies for without papers?

      How much am I allowed to sell rottweiler puppies for without papers? General Dog Discussions
    • There should be. Any idea how many rotts are euthanized everyday? If you want to breed, do it responsibly. Start out by:1. Contact a breed club for your breed. Ask for a mentor.2. STUDY the breed standard. Learn about dog anatomy and ask your mentor toclarify anything you don't understand.3. Learn what genetic faults and diseases run in your breed and test for anythat can be tested for.4. Show your dog in conformation events to see if it is of the properquality for breeding. Winning doesn't always mean a dog is breeding quality,but being around so many others that know your breed and will talk to youwill do wonders for your self-education efforts!5. Study the past history of great dogs in your breed. You will see how yourbreed has improved and progressed since the beginning of the breed.6. Study the breed standard some more! ;-)7. Join any Yahoo groups about your breed.8. Live, dream and study your breed.9. Get a good book on canine reproduction, and educate yourself about thepitfalls, problems, and proud moments of breeding. Learn about thephysiology of reproduction, such as heat cycles and venereal diseases indogs, potential for problems specific to your breed, and what you need toexpect at whelping.10. Remember that whelping (giving birth) can kill your female. Being usedas a stud dog can encourage bad behaviors common in intact males such asterritorial marking, aggression, and desire to roam from home.11. Prepare to be broke. Breeding properly is EXPENSIVE.12. Line up potential homes for any puppies you produce and write up acontract. Remember to include that you will be willing to take back yourpuppies at any time in their lives that they might need you. If you bringlife into this world, it is your responsibility FOREVER.13. Prepare to spend sleepless nights attending whelping females, caring forfading puppies or puppies orphaned, and practice cleaning up after 24/7 poopmachines.I'm sure there are many things I missed because being a responsible breederisn't just a job. It's a way of life. You will live dogs. 24/7/365. Thereare lots of hard decisions. There is a lot of expense. There will be pain.But, if you do your darndest to always keep the welfare of your dogs and thefuture of any of their offspring, you can go to step 14.14. Enjoy the love and success of a job well done.For untested, unshown parents, with no pedigree, probably about $100 IF you do the proper vet care and vaccinations.

    • as much as you can get.....allowed by who? the market demand sets the price, not some "authority"...if it's ''unethical'' to sell for a profit this whole world is beyond help...good grief, the goal in selling anything is profit.

    • No there's no law, but it's unethical to sell your puppies for a profit when all they have is a sire with papers, when papers don't really mean much to begin with. Papers are only part of the package of a quality dog, one that was sired and whelped by dogs in competition, with testing for genetic predispositions done, temperament tested, and pedigreed to the point that there haven't been a pattern of family problems like bad hips, etc. Spay and neuter your dogs. There are enough pet quality dogs from even the breeders who do all of the above.