10 mo. old chihuahua puppy diagnosed with parvo 3 days ago, how many days does he need to survive to overcome?

FI took him to the vet the first day I noticed he wasn't playing or eating, he's usually a fun food loving puppy. The vet injected fluids in his back and gave him an antibiotic shot. And sent me home with an IV bag used to inject fluid into my puppies…

    10 mo. old chihuahua puppy diagnosed with parvo 3 days ago, how many days does he need to survive to overcome?

    FI took him to the vet the first day I noticed he wasn't playing or eating, he's usually a fun food loving puppy. The vet injected fluids in his back and gave him an antibiotic shot. And sent me home with an IV bag used to inject fluid into my puppies…...
    General Dog Discussions : 10 mo. old chihuahua puppy diagnosed with parvo 3 days ago, how many days does he need to survive to overcome?...

    • 10 mo. old chihuahua puppy diagnosed with parvo 3 days ago, how many days does he need to survive to overcome?

      10 mo. old chihuahua puppy diagnosed with parvo 3 days ago, how many days does he need to survive to overcome? General Dog Discussions
      FI took him to the vet the first day I noticed he wasn't playing or eating, he's usually a fun food loving puppy. The vet injected fluids in his back and gave him an antibiotic shot. And sent me home with an IV bag used to inject fluid into my puppies back and antibiotic shots to be given every 24 hours. When I took my puppy home the first day he was happy, playing eating and drinking on his own. I was happy! Until it came time to inject fluids into his back. I was unable to successfully do so, he was too squirmy. He was still playfully and eating and drinking so I thought that was good enough. The next day, he was a little less playful and not eating or drinking. I attempted to do the iv fluids again, it was so difficult and scarey because he moved so much so was only able to give him a tiny amount. After that he seemed okay, I gave him tiny chicken broth and water drinks through a straw. It then came time for his antibiotic shot. We gave it to hi. And after that shat he was sad and seemed tired. Since the iv fluid was too difficult for me to inject into him, I got some unflavored pedialye. That seemed to help him a bit, he would walk around and try to jump on my lap. I kept giving home lil drinks throughout every hour like every fifteen minutes I'd give him a little drink. He vomited later clear foam. After that he fell asleep and didn't barf until 2am and went back to sleep and barfed again at 420am. Then later around 6am he pooped and it was brown with a liittle orange reddish. I was wiping his butt with a wipey and I found a worm. I had never seen anything like this in my life. I cleaned up my puppy and kept him warm until 8 am and I called the vet and I brought him in, he is now there overnight getting treatment. I'm just wondering how much longer does he need to suffer through this until he gets better? I believe I caught the problem not too late & got medical attention soon enough. How many more days does he have to fight until he gets better?

      10 mo. old chihuahua puppy diagnosed with parvo 3 days ago, how many days does he need to survive to overcome?

      10 mo. old chihuahua puppy diagnosed with parvo 3 days ago, how many days does he need to survive to overcome? General Dog Discussions
    • Roughly 10 days.At 10 months old, your dog should have a pretty good chance of survival with proper fluids and veterinary assistance.It will take approximately 7 days for your dogs immune system (macrophages, t-cells, etc.) to be able to recognize the virus and attack. It will take roughly three more days for the immune system to really crack down on the virus. After that it is recovery.

    • I assume you did know parvo was totally preventable (with a vaccine) & is very deadly in puppies with 50% dying from it. Worms suggest (in addition to a lack of vaccination) that the puppy has not been wormed or is not getting a monthly heartworm preventative with an intestinal wormer. "Parvo" is a virus that attacks the lining of the digestive system. It causes dogs and puppies to not be able to absorb nutrients or liquids. Puppies are especially prone to it because they have an immature immune system. When dogs and puppies contract parvo, they often have diarrhea, vomiting and lethargy. Usually they stop eating and develop a bloody, foul-smelling, liquid stool. Symptoms usually begin with a high fever, lethargy, depression, and loss of appetite. Secondary symptoms appear as severe gastrointestinal distress, such as vomiting and bloody diarrhea. In many cases, dehydration, shock, and death follow. Parvovirus is characterized by severe, bloody diarrhea and vomiting, high fever and lethargy. The diarrhea is particularly foul smelling and is sometimes yellow in color. Parvo can also attack a dog's heart causing congestive heart failure. This complication can occur months or years after an apparent recovery from the intestinal form of the disease. Puppies who survive parvo infection usually remain somewhat unhealthy and weak FOR LIFE. Your vet will be able to answer your Parvo questions & since he is being PAID by you, to care for your dog, I suggest you ask him about how long he thinks it will take for this to run its course. BE PREPARED FOR A 5 to 7 DAY HOSPITAL STAY AND SUBSTANTIAL EXPENSE.INTENSIVE CARE IS NEEDED TO TREAT THIS INFECTION.