How long can a male Border Collie stay at home alone for?

I am getting a Border Collie puppy when I graduate from high school in a year and am doing research now. How long can I leave a three month old male BC pup alone for? What about an adult? And how much exercise do these dogs need a day? I already have a…

    How long can a male Border Collie stay at home alone for?

    I am getting a Border Collie puppy when I graduate from high school in a year and am doing research now. How long can I leave a three month old male BC pup alone for? What about an adult? And how much exercise do these dogs need a day? I already have a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How long can a male Border Collie stay at home alone for?...

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    • How long can a male Border Collie stay at home alone for?

      How long can a male Border Collie stay at home alone for? Dog Breed Discussions
      I am getting a Border Collie puppy when I graduate from high school in a year and am doing research now. How long can I leave a three month old male BC pup alone for? What about an adult? And how much exercise do these dogs need a day? I already have a four and a half month old female Pomeranian. How will they get along? Thanks. please answer all of the questions if you can =)

      How long can a male Border Collie stay at home alone for?

      How long can a male Border Collie stay at home alone for? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Please do your research. A border collie is the worst dog for leaving at home alone. They are only really suitable in a home where someone is going to work the dog in either agility, flyball, or endless hours in the woods. They are highly strung nervy type of dogs, and they go insane just left to their own devices all day long. Border collies need to work to be happy.

    • im sure ur dogs will get along just fine. although ur current dog may b a little dominant over the new puppy and may be jealous of the sharing of attention, they'll get used 2 each other :) a puppy has 2 b trained 2 understand that it'll b left alone, so when u get it, spend some time making sure it understands not 2 "go" or scratch up a door. they get used 2 being alone after a while, just make sure the dogs have fresh water b4 u leave, some toys, and mayb a radio on so that they feel more comfortable. as an adult dog, they will already b used 2 being left alone, so they can be left alone 4 a longer period of time. i hope i helped :)

    • Lorraine is SO right! Give her 10 points. Border Collies are working dogs. Note the key word, "WORKING" dog. They need to be worked every day at some type of mental/physical activity. Left alone, their bordom will become distructive. They'll chew furniture, scratch a hole in the door or flooring, dig through garbage, etc. Please reconsider your choice of dogs untill you can spend they time they'll need with you. Until then, get another small dog as a companion to your Pom and you. Non-working breeds are more content to sleep or laze around untill the master returns.

    • It's not a good idea to get a Border Collie unless you are going to keep its mind busy all day. They're bred to be working dogs and are very smart, but that also means that they can be very troublesome and destructive when they get bored. However, to help answer your question, we have a year-old Border Collie-Golden Retriever mix (who is a lot more laid back than the typical Border Collie). He doesn't get left home alone much longer than 4 hours at a time. We exercise him a lot with our Walky-Dog, and I run home from work at lunchtime to let him run. We rarely leave him outside of his crate when we're not home.Whether or not a BC and your Pom will get along has nothing to do with the breed and everything to do with the personality of the dogs. Make sure that you allow both dogs to meet and spend some time watching them interact before adopting another dog.

    • Border Collie's are a super breed but not for everyone.They are a WORKING DOG and that means they need a lot of stimulation,exercise,exercise plus.Technically l know many people do have borders in the Cities and they soon realize that if they do not do the right thing by going for hour long walks,stimulating the dog with fly ball or a frisbee or do Agility they will have a destructive monster.Borders are capable of running all day it is bred into them and to own one you wil have to do an awful lot of research and talk or e-mail Border Collie Breeders and ask as many questions or get them to send you out some info on the breed on what they need.Once you graduate from High School remember you are a young adult now and l am sure you will want to do loads of things which may not include exercising a dog morning and night for several hours.There are exceptions to the rule with the borders collies as there are tw kind of Breeders those that breed them as pure working dogs and nothing else so you cannot and should not even consider going to them and than you have the Breeders who breed basically for the Show Ring (conformation)Try and head that direction and if in the US go to the AKC website and look up the Breeders perhaps in y our are and do what l suggested above.You have a year before you graduate so you have plenty of time to do your research via the Internet and talking or e-mailing Breeders.In my Country as l am not in the US we have long hair border collies which is technically the ones shown and the smooth hair which cannot be shown.As you most likely have discovered they came in several colour but what you have to know is that they carry some awful hereditary diseases which the Breeder MUST test for and have CLEAR certificates and l am not talking simply HD or the normal tests needed you need clear eye certificates and so on so be careful as to where you go,If you are prepared to invest the time of going to do Agility or Fly ball at your local Club and have time to walk your dog 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening l do not see why you cannot go ahead with your plan but as you say you are starting to do your homework now.Re the pom and the Border it all depends how you introduce them which should be on neutral territory not in Your house.If the Pom is a female try not to get the same sex same if it is a male but of course than you have the issue of de-sexing both or at least one.An entire male border if he wants to get out of your yard he will l can assure you they are competent diggers,jumpers and highly Intelligent dogs who have a mind of their own but they will bond with their owner and guard that person to the death.Good luck