Why would my female dog be bleeding after spaying?

She had puppies 11 &1/2 weeks ago by c-section, we had the vet spay her while he was in there. She had two babies and the last one went home two days ago. She started having a discharge yesterday, so much so that we had to put her bitch britches on…

    Why would my female dog be bleeding after spaying?

    She had puppies 11 &1/2 weeks ago by c-section, we had the vet spay her while he was in there. She had two babies and the last one went home two days ago. She started having a discharge yesterday, so much so that we had to put her bitch britches on…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why would my female dog be bleeding after spaying?...

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    • Why would my female dog be bleeding after spaying?

      Why would my female dog be bleeding after spaying? General Dog Discussions
      She had puppies 11 &1/2 weeks ago by c-section, we had the vet spay her while he was in there. She had two babies and the last one went home two days ago. She started having a discharge yesterday, so much so that we had to put her bitch britches on her. She is now shaky, very lethargic, not eating and just laying around. Is this normal?

      Why would my female dog be bleeding after spaying?

      Why would my female dog be bleeding after spaying? General Dog Discussions
    • No ,it is not get her to the vet asap that sounds way too serious for you to sit here and ask on this site. If you wait too long you risk serious consequence for your dog. Anytime a dog acts way out of the ordinary you should be alarmed and take her to a vet immediately

    • No. It's not normal at all! It sounds like something went wrong with her spaying. Those are actually the exact symptoms they typically tell you to look for after your dog is spayed. Take her to the vet immediately and have her checked out. If your vet says she's fine, get a second opinion! After a day, if that, she should be back to normal and surely not bleeding. You have a big problem on your hands.

    • this dog has infection. get her back to the vets asap she has fever .was she still nursing?are you giving her any extra nutrition or vitamins.puppies and spaying plus c section is a lot to put mom thru at once