What breed dog looks like a border collie, but is much larger and stockier?

It has the same colors as a border collie, like white on the bottom, black on the top, with amber color in between; but it is sized more like a Newfoundland and is more muscular/stocky-looking than a collie.I thought it was something like a Persian…

    What breed dog looks like a border collie, but is much larger and stockier?

    It has the same colors as a border collie, like white on the bottom, black on the top, with amber color in between; but it is sized more like a Newfoundland and is more muscular/stocky-looking than a collie.I thought it was something like a Persian…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What breed dog looks like a border collie, but is much larger and stockier?...

    • What breed dog looks like a border collie, but is much larger and stockier?

      What breed dog looks like a border collie, but is much larger and stockier? Dog Breed Discussions
      It has the same colors as a border collie, like white on the bottom, black on the top, with amber color in between; but it is sized more like a Newfoundland and is more muscular/stocky-looking than a collie.I thought it was something like a Persian hunting dog or something along those lines...It's a Bernese Mountain Dog - thank you first poster! :)

      What breed dog looks like a border collie, but is much larger and stockier?

      What breed dog looks like a border collie, but is much larger and stockier? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Border Collies come in a host of different colours, but the traditional vision of a Border Collie is the black & white. If brown is involved, then it's called tri-colour (usually) and it sounds like you might be describing a Bernese Mountain Dog. http://www.bmdca.org/If it is bigger and with a shorter coat, it could be a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. http://www.northwoodsswissy.com/index.htmlAre either of these even close?If not, http://www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/dogbreeds/index.html is a photo index of many dog breeds. Keep in mind that tri-colour may be an option even if it's not shown in the picture. Even Australian Shepherds & German Shepherds can come in tri-colour (although it's a severe mismark for a GSD)http://www.google.com/search?q=tri-color+australian+shepherd&hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=DBC3Td3zCpOcsQPMhsGoAQ&ved=0CBgQsAQ&biw=1263&bih=584http://www.kerstoneshepherds.net/colors/patterns.htm

    • The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog is large but has a very short coat. The Bernese Mountain Dog looks very similar but has a longer coat. Neither are quite as large as a Newfoundland, but both are significantly larger than a Border Collie. Now if you're referring to something not quite as large and more similar, the Australian Shepherd can sometimes look a lot like a Border, and the tri-colored Border often fools people into thinking he's an Australian Shepherd. Only the first two have a standard color and marking pattern, the Border and Australian Shepherd have a few color varieties that are accepted/permitted.