Is it better to get two border collie puppies or one?

We're planning on getting a border collie puppy, and heard a couple of people who have border collies that its better to have two as a puppy than one, purely because they can exercise themselves better than you can. Opinions?

    Is it better to get two border collie puppies or one?

    We're planning on getting a border collie puppy, and heard a couple of people who have border collies that its better to have two as a puppy than one, purely because they can exercise themselves better than you can. Opinions?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : Is it better to get two border collie puppies or one?...

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    • Is it better to get two border collie puppies or one?

      Is it better to get two border collie puppies or one? Dog Breed Discussions
      We're planning on getting a border collie puppy, and heard a couple of people who have border collies that its better to have two as a puppy than one, purely because they can exercise themselves better than you can. Opinions?

      Is it better to get two border collie puppies or one?

      Is it better to get two border collie puppies or one? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Sounds like a plan. I know when adopting cats it is advisable to get 2 if you are gone all day. They keep each other company. But then again, cats don't need the exercise and attention a dog needs.

    • One or two is fine. Puppies, especially intelligent breeds like border collies, need a ton of attention. If you think that getting 2 will cut down on time spent with them, you are in for a big shock. 2 puppies means double everything; puppy price, training, vet bills, play time. Keep that in mind, and enjoy your new puppy, or puppies!

    • I think you should only get one. If you want to get another later then you can but, you need to bond with the puppy, train it and clean up after it and it is two times the amount of training, clean up and attention you will have to give to 2 puppies.Get 1 puppy and see how it goes first. You need to walk the dog everyday or play fetch or have some kind of game for the dog to play everyday for exercise. Even if you have 2 puppies you have to give them both exercise and walks.Dogs need and crave emotional stimulation from us.

    • I would NOT get two Border Collie puppies! One Border Collie puppy is enough to drive anyone nuts! The other problem is the puppies will bond to each other instead of you. If anything adopt an older Border Collie that is at least two or more years old. That way you don't have twice the sharp, pointy teeth tearing your stuff up. Another thing to consider is if you get two dogs the same age, you'll have two old dogs at the same time. Get into a puppy class as soon as possible. Border Collies need their brains as well as their bodies exercised!

    • I would get one to start with. One puppy alone is a ton of work. Having a single puppy makes training a lot easier because you can train anywhere and not have the second one interferring. You also need to socialize the puppy and each puppy would need socialization time without the other one around. Also if you have two, especially if they are littermates, they may bond more with each other than with you. If your only reason for getting two is because of exercise then that's not a very good reason. Two is not only a ton of work, but it's a ton of money. It means twice the money for vet trips, twice the food, twice the medication for flea and heartworm prevention, etc.If you don't think you can properly exercise a dog with the energy level of a border collie, perhaps you should look at a different breed.

    • DO NOT GET TWO PUPPIES!!!!!!!Are you nuts? One puppy is really hard. Border Collies are a lot of hard work! Have you done any research on the breed? These dogs are very smart and need to bond with a human! Border Collies are VERY smart and NEED a job. So many people get these dogs and think just because they are a smart breed that they will just know everything. This is NOT the case!!!! These dogs need mental and physical excersise. Get the puppy into a class as soon as you can! This is a tough bred that can have a lot of problems if not taken care of properly. Once the dog is old enough, get it into some sort of dog sport. There are MANY out there! There's agility, flyball, obedience, freestyle, rally, disc dog, dock dog, herding.... You can google any of these to find a club near you.PLEASE do your research before you consider this breed. They need to be exercised every day and it has to be more than a walk. You have to keep their minds busy, teaching tricks, playing games, doing a dog sport. So many Border Collies are put in the pound or into rescue because people could not handle one. Please reconsider or go to rescue. There are often times whole litters of puppies that are not wanted. Also there are tons of dogs who are older that need dogs!

    • One, one, one.While it is nice to have multiple dogs, it is extremely difficult to have two puppies at the same time. For one thing, the puppies are together all the time and with you only part of the time, so they bond more closely to each other than to you. Secondly, it takes a lot of time to really train and raise the puppies and when you split your attention across the two, neither one gets the attention (and therefore training) that they need. Thirdly, you don't ever want to get a dog for your dog, or a puppy for your puppy. Yes, it's very nice when dogs have each other for company but it doesn't make things easier... it makes it double the chaos. They can also spend all day with each other reinforcing bad habits.Get that one puppy, let him/her grow up to 2 or 3 and then get that second puppy. Then your nicely trained and well-behaved mature older puppy can help you train the younger puppy. In the meantime, take your pup to puppy kindergarten or find some puppy buddies in the neighborhood to let them exercise and socialize with each other.Trust us on this.

    • ONE! ONE! ONE!one puppy is hard enough its like chasing a 2yr toddler around. now think is doing a bad thing on one side of the room and the other chewing ur new shoes on another!I have rasied 2 lab mutts....but i also have been working with dogs for 10 years before that. (they are 5yr old now). it was not an easy task and one i would have to really think about to do again. and i was not working so that helped if i was they would not be the trained dogs they are. i could not have had one on one training and couple training so that they knew they still had to listen when the other was there.get a kitten and a puppy...things will work out better and they both will have life long friends.besides that i don't think a rep. breeder will sale you 2 pups. and with good reason! a byb one yeah they just want ur money.

    • I agree with everyone with the ONE at a time - we got our BC, Dixie, when she was 10 weeks old. I had no idea how hard it was to housebreak - or how long it could take! I can't imagine having to do it with 2!A good place I found info on BC's - - I just found it this past weekend and it told me lots I did not know that I wish I had!!LAND - she needs LOTS LOTS LOTS of room to run. We don't have a very big yard so unfortunately for the moment,Dixie does a lot of running on the sidewalk and street - not always great on the paw pads.. Oh - she was so cute! We met the litter and knew right away she was ours. We were very lucky - I think we have the most laid back bc on the planet and she STILL keeps us going 9 hours a day! I start throwing the ball for her when my feet hit the floor at 6:00 a.m. and we don't stop running, chasing the ball and kids until well after dark- and she would still keep going if we would! BC's are meant to "go"many many many miles a day- no, they wouldn't exercise themselves, they would exercise youMeet your breeder. If they are good and know the breed, they would - SHOULD, I think, advise you the best way to go, because the dogs well being should come first- shouldn't it?