How much does it cost to get a lion shave on a border collie at PetCo?

I have a Border Collie, and we have really cold winters and unbearable summers, so we have decided to give him a Lion Shave (cuz he's shedding so much and it's getting SOO HOTT SOO FAST!) Does anyone know about how much it will cost at a PetCo? Just an…

    How much does it cost to get a lion shave on a border collie at PetCo?

    I have a Border Collie, and we have really cold winters and unbearable summers, so we have decided to give him a Lion Shave (cuz he's shedding so much and it's getting SOO HOTT SOO FAST!) Does anyone know about how much it will cost at a PetCo? Just an…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How much does it cost to get a lion shave on a border collie at PetCo?...

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    • How much does it cost to get a lion shave on a border collie at PetCo?

      How much does it cost to get a lion shave on a border collie at PetCo? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a Border Collie, and we have really cold winters and unbearable summers, so we have decided to give him a Lion Shave (cuz he's shedding so much and it's getting SOO HOTT SOO FAST!) Does anyone know about how much it will cost at a PetCo? Just an Average Guess is fine...

      How much does it cost to get a lion shave on a border collie at PetCo?

      How much does it cost to get a lion shave on a border collie at PetCo? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Please don't. Border collies shed a ton this time of year. Its called blowing coat where the drop their undercoat and there are clumps of everywhere. Its totally normal and natural. The absolute worst thing you san do to a border collie is shave their coat, trimming is not necessary either (it is actually against the breed standard for a reason) They come from Scotland, also a place of extreme cold and heat. Their coat is designed to keep them cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Dogs dont sweat so by shaving her you are taking away a major way her body regulates its temperature. Border collies if shaved are at an increased risk of heat stroke and sunburn

    • My boyfriend has a shatland sheepdog. They decided it would be good to shave him for the summer. However, his hair hasn't grown back completely & he is no longer pretty... and seems to get cold easily. Shatland sheepdogs look like border collies, so i'm guessing that you may have the same problem if you shave him. He is a dog. He was made to bear the heat & the cold. Shedding is his own natural way of undergoing the heat. He will be fine without shaving.

    • Please forgive me because I don't mean to be a smart ass with my answer, but rather than guess and get many guesstimates from folks reading this, just pick up the phone tomorrow morning and call PetCo.You will have your answer in a few minutes and "lo and behold", no more wondering. If you feel the price is fair, you can even make an appointment and have a wonderful time with your freshly cut and bathed Dog. He or she will even smell good. Bye

    • ( Warning) Do Not ever have a Border collie shaved !!!!! Doing so will cause permanent damage to the dogs coat. Fact shaving a dog dose not make them cooler. Fact shaving a double coated breed will damage the coat. Shaving a doubles coat breed damages the hair follicles thus causing a number of problems skin coat not growing in dog not being able to shed. Fact all dogs shed this is natures way of the dog ridding it's body of the winter coat shaving a dog dose nothing with shedding. However it will damage your dogs coat.Dogs need to shed if they did not it would be like you putting on several heavy coats for the winter then come summer you can not remove them. Talk about "Hot" yes you would over heat, natures has taking care of this that is why dogs shed. They grow there coat for winter then blow that coat for summer the dog dose not need to be shaved. The dog is doing what nature has designed it to do shed.Don't do it you will regret it mark my words..