How old to start training my border collie?

I have recently bought a female border collie and I have a well trained aussie. But we adopted him already well trained. I have a few questions about the breed. When should I start the training and when to get her spayed.I have read up on <a href="">dog breed</a> info…

    How old to start training my border collie?

    I have recently bought a female border collie and I have a well trained aussie. But we adopted him already well trained. I have a few questions about the breed. When should I start the training and when to get her spayed.I have read up on <a href="">dog breed</a> info…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How old to start training my border collie?...

    • How old to start training my border collie?

      How old to start training my border collie? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have recently bought a female border collie and I have a well trained aussie. But we adopted him already well trained. I have a few questions about the breed. When should I start the training and when to get her spayed.I have read up on dog breed info on both of my dogs. And know about that.Please only helpful answers.She is 7 weeks old.

      How old to start training my border collie?

      How old to start training my border collie? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You start training any puppy the day you bring it home. You didn't say how old this BC is, but even young puppies learn incredibly quickly. Keep lessons fun and short. However, both you and your dog would benefit hugely from going to classes. Your dog needs the socializing and you'd have a qualified instructor to teach you how to train your dog.Spaying would depend on when your vet prefers to do it - most will spay before the puppy has her first heat.

    • I wouldnt spey until she is over two years old and then 3 months after a season.You can train straight away at any age, sooner the better.Please give clicker training a go, the herding breeds learn ULTRA fast with that method. Since they can have sensitive hearing you should get an adjustable clicker, available online or at most pet shops. Karen Pryor's book on clicker training (Clicker Training For Dogs) is a great starting point for all your training.ADDED; start teaching the 'it's over' command. This breed can have real problems 'slowing down' when they are not working and once they get hyped up its hard to get them back down which can result in social problems with other dogs etc (they dont appreciate their hocks being nipped and react - long story short = fight, leaves dog aggressive reinforcement...) So when she is already sleepy, tell her gently 'it's over' do this whenever she is already calm, by the time she gets a bit older when you say 'over' she realises to naturally calm down making her 'teenage stage' a lot easier and leaves you able to prevent unwated behaviours happening in the first place. Much easier than having to retrain an adult.

    • Spay/neuter is the same. Early-age neutering (or prepubertal gonadectomy – the removal of the ovaries or testes before the onset of puberty) is typically performed in dogs and cats between 8 and 16 weeks of age, as compared to the conventional 6 to 8 months. It is used mainly in animal sheltering and rescue where puppies and kittens can be neutered before being adopted.

    • I agree with Loopy regarding clicker training, and teaching the dog when to rest. I've done this with my current collie pup (well, she's over a year old now) and it's been a great asset. However, I did spay her at just one year old. She was physically and mentally mature by then, and had had one season.....that was my personal decision. Start training now.....just little bits at a time.....sit, down, stand, relax, come, etc., etc. Also teach a stop command......if your dog is running towards another dog, you can say Stop, and the dog will can be sooooo useful. Good luck!! :)

    • Border Collies need to be trained from birth, well almost. Start now anyway. Have her spayed when she hits adolescence and stops growing the long bones.