What are some good activities to oocupy a border collie mix?

So I got a Chow/Boder Collie mix a couple of months ago and it appears that her energy level is more in line with the Border Collie. What are some good activities for her, particularly mental activities, to keep her from getting bored? She is about a…

    What are some good activities to oocupy a border collie mix?

    So I got a Chow/Boder Collie mix a couple of months ago and it appears that her energy level is more in line with the Border Collie. What are some good activities for her, particularly mental activities, to keep her from getting bored? She is about a…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What are some good activities to oocupy a border collie mix?...

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    • What are some good activities to oocupy a border collie mix?

      What are some good activities to oocupy a border collie mix? Dog Breed Discussions
      So I got a Chow/Boder Collie mix a couple of months ago and it appears that her energy level is more in line with the Border Collie. What are some good activities for her, particularly mental activities, to keep her from getting bored? She is about a year old.

      What are some good activities to oocupy a border collie mix?

      What are some good activities to oocupy a border collie mix? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Border Collies are energetic dogs. Try to let her outside in a fenced backyard to help her get the right amount of exercise. If that's somehow not possible for you, then take her on long walks.For some mental activities, I would suggest some hide and seek (many dogs I know enjoy that), but, if you don't have much time, then a good mental activity is to take a plastic cup, put it upside down, and out a treat or piece of kibble under it (make sure your dog sees you putting the treat under the cup). Dogs could use many strategies to get the treat out from under the cup. It's a quick, fun little game your dog can play.

    • Take her for 2 long walks off the lead where its safe to do so. About 30mins to 1 hour each. Get a tennis ball or frisbee and play when you get to the open space. Get her a Kong for in the house.

    • Borders love to herd things and are high energy dogs, so she will need a lot of exercise and also need something to stimulate her brain.As for activities, play chase, fetch and train her to follow a whole list of commands. Sit, stay, down, come, wait, back up, find (after you let her sniff then hide something).Train her to respond by voice and by hand signals. For each command use a different hand signal and eventually she will respond to all them without you having to say a word, it's pretty cool and fun.Many borders are very smart and she should like the challenge of learning new things.Use your imagination.

    • well i do this with my dogs. 1. get boxes and open both sides 2. get a lot of tall sticks 3.buy about a 2 or 3 boxes of doggy treats 4.get something they can jump over 5.put together in an opsticle course heres how put the boxes in a couple lines and then go about 4 feet out and stick them in the ground in a straight line.then get the thing to jump over 4 or 5 feet away from that. 6.put the bones 3 feet apart in the boxes.than put them in 3 feet away in a zig zag line going around the sticks.than at the end you sit and wait and move a bone over the thing to jump over intell they finish than you can do it as many times as you want!

    • take her on long walks, and take her to dog parks too. Also, Challenge her. challenging her by hiding one of her favorite toys, or treats and telling her to go find it. Have fun!