My dog is pregnant!! How do i take care of the puppies?

I did not plan on getting my dog pregnant! I just noticed recently because her stomach has gotten HUGE and she is not half as active as she used to be. She latched on to our neighbours dog which is a yorkie, my dog is half poodle half shitzhu she is…

    My dog is pregnant!! How do i take care of the puppies?

    I did not plan on getting my dog pregnant! I just noticed recently because her stomach has gotten HUGE and she is not half as active as she used to be. She latched on to our neighbours dog which is a yorkie, my dog is half poodle half shitzhu she is…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is pregnant!! How do i take care of the puppies?...

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    • My dog is pregnant!! How do i take care of the puppies?

      My dog is pregnant!! How do i take care of the puppies? General Dog Discussions
      I did not plan on getting my dog pregnant! I just noticed recently because her stomach has gotten HUGE and she is not half as active as she used to be. She latched on to our neighbours dog which is a yorkie, my dog is half poodle half shitzhu she is about 10 pounds (without pups her in tummy)I dont have money to take the puppys to a vet when their born, what else should/could i do to make sure they are and stay healthy.Also wondering how i can help my dog during labor...I also understand it is going to be harder to get rid of the puppies when theyre ready because they wont have their shots, hoping it wont be too hard!!Please no harsh comments trust me i know this is wrong but im trying my best.Chloe (my dog) is my baby and i am so scarred for her!What i mean by harsh comments is i dont want to read comments saying to give her away or get her sprayed. I dont have the money, i love her way too much to ever consider giving her away.For those who dont know how to be RESPECTFUL and POLITE, dont fucking comment please!I wrote this question online because im looking for HELPFUL answers, i did not publish this question online to read comments by inconsiderate ass holes. Thanks! :)Im just gonna let her do what she thinks she needs to do as a new mom. Visiting the Vet is not an opition and nor is giving her away.Im going to try my hardest!!

      My dog is pregnant!! How do i take care of the puppies?

      My dog is pregnant!! How do i take care of the puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • That's usually the mothers job to take care of her puppies, but should also keep an eye on them and be sure they keep warm so either turn up the heat whic is a bad idea due to summer weather, so I would rather prefer you to get a heat lamp. Just keep a close eye on her.Also calm down she is not going to die my female english shepherd gave birth to her puppies at my in our storage area just clean up the place pretty good. And call a friend who has experience with this I'm sure you have someone who know what their doing

    • No harsh comments. Do you really not realise just how totally irresponsible this is. If you cannot keep your in heat bitches totally safe then damn well get them spayed before this happens.You now have a dog that is your baby, at risk of death because you haven't the money to take her and pups to the vets. I am not sure you understand how often they can die of either giving birth or of infection shortly afterwards. I'll tell you what you should do..You should either get the money somehow and get her spayed immediately. orGive her up to a rescue and ask them to whelp her and rehome the pups and then spay mum and rehome her to someone that can afford her.

    • you should have arranged for a spay as soon as she got cant afford a vet.. your dog is going to DIE if she needs a cecarian. Small dogs are prone to complications.See if the vet will do a gravid spay.

    • If you are looking for expert advice, best to call your vet and talk with them. Or talk with a legit breeder and ask if they will mentor you. You should take this dog in for a spay. Problem solved. Very costly. Dog she see vet asap. Will need vet after giving birth (could retain one inside, could have infection) puppies need tobe seen right away also.You have no means of caring for them and it could cost the life of your female as well as pups.add: Why are you here if you aren't going to listen to sound advice? BEcause of your selfishness, your dog could end up dead. But, oh well, I guess that doesn't concern you.

    • She will be able to take care of the puppies on her own, you really dont need to do much. Same with her labor. Just keep Chloe fed and watered enough and a place to have her pups. DO NOT touch the babies or stay around them too much, she will start thinking you will take care of them and she wont mother them. If you plan on getting rid of the puppies when they are ready, they dont absolutely need shots, just explain that the person will need to get their shots done if they want. (Where i live no one really gets their dogs shots) Hope this helps!