How To Convince My Mom To Get Me A Puppy?? Help Please!!?

OK so I want a puppy! and We already have a dog! Its a Chihuahua and very annoying! its name is Rambo! but I want one that is ALL MINE! My Uncle can get me 1 for free ! and I was wondering how do I convince my mom to let me get a puppy?? Advice Plz!…

    How To Convince My Mom To Get Me A Puppy?? Help Please!!?

    OK so I want a puppy! and We already have a dog! Its a Chihuahua and very annoying! its name is Rambo! but I want one that is ALL MINE! My Uncle can get me 1 for free ! and I was wondering how do I convince my mom to let me get a puppy?? Advice Plz!…...
    General Dog Discussions : How To Convince My Mom To Get Me A Puppy?? Help Please!!?...

    • How To Convince My Mom To Get Me A Puppy?? Help Please!!?

      How To Convince My Mom To Get Me A Puppy?? Help Please!!? General Dog Discussions
      OK so I want a puppy! and We already have a dog! Its a Chihuahua and very annoying! its name is Rambo! but I want one that is ALL MINE! My Uncle can get me 1 for free ! and I was wondering how do I convince my mom to let me get a puppy?? Advice Plz! BTW I want a Miniature Yorkie! :)

      How To Convince My Mom To Get Me A Puppy?? Help Please!!?

      How To Convince My Mom To Get Me A Puppy?? Help Please!!? General Dog Discussions
    • Look up this question. It's been asked so many times already. Any dog that is a free dog will cost you lots of problems. Try looking into getting a mutt from the shelter if you want a dog that badly.Oh, and might I add, learn how to type? That's one step in showing your mom you are responsible.

    • There is NO such thing as a miniature Yorkie, they come in one size only. See AKC.ORG for the breed standard. How many times a day do we see this SAME question? Type your question in the search for answers bar and see how many thousands of times this same question has been asked. It's your Mom's home, her money and her decision.

    • Ok..if the Chihuahua is already annoying ...that's showing lack of training...and that training is due to you not training the dog enough...look up the concepts of training and do research before getting another.

    • well for my advise i know its hard but youll have to SHOW your mom that you can get responsible enaugh with one dog and you can handle two hope this helpsgood luck ;D

    • Lets say you want to get a dog. (just my example)Well, responsibility is key.if you are the one that would like to responsible over the dog, then you have to pay for everything.lemme tell you, it's hard to own a's not just playing fetch, and petting & treats, it's hard work, it's something you have to commit to.there are a lot of things you need to buy when getting a dog.1. the actual dog2. dog bed3. dog leash & collar (with tag)4. dog food (which will need to be bought almost every month)(kibble & moist food)5. dog toys6. dog treats7. vet bills & medical care (costs for deworming & shots)8. dog kennel9. brush10. pee pads11. dog shampoo& theres more, i just cant think of it all right now.think about it, can you pay for all expenses?i know how it is to want a dog, i want one too, ever since i was 3 (i still dont have one), but theres hard work, too.the cost of all the things i listed is thousands of dollars, or more, hope you can pay for it. :)now... to answer your question (LOL), my friend always wanted a dog too, and she has one now! her method is to show responsibility. eg. do extra chores, help out more... etc.but dont bragg about it, let your parents notice it.what else you could do is write out a long-ish essay on how responsible you are. write out about the breed. (the longer, the smarter you look)now, IF IT STILL DOESNT WORK, then your left with this one and only option.ask them with puppy eyes and everything, "PLEASEE?!?!?"(most likely they will still say no, so then you say...)"Fine! but can i have a dog in six months?"they'll say yes to that, because they hope you will forget by, what you do is write out a clear and informative contract about you getting the dog, and them agreeing to it.(make sure they sign it)then, this six months will give you enough time to plan out everything. btw, PLEASE GET YOUR DOGGIE FROM AN ANIMAL SHELTER!there are so many pups and dogs there, wishing for a home, living miserable lives, and 50% of them will be put down because they could not find homes in the required amount of time :(please adopt. BUT DO NOT GET YOUR DOGGIE FROM THE PET STORE!dogs from the pet store come from puppy mills, which is a terrible animal cruelty zone.(search up puppy mills if you are unsure on what it is)& dogs from puppy mills are more prone to sicknesses and health issues because of the horrible conditions they were raised in.ANYWAY, when six months have passed, show the contract, and tell them, "Hey mom & dad, it's time for me to get a dog!!!!"and hopefully, YOU GET A DOG!!!! :D(it worked for my friend, hopefully it works for you)training is not as easy as you think. lets start with potty training. that takes three to four months already. then how often will you be home? TIP: get your dog in the summer, that way you will be free everyday to train it, until the dog gains Independence, and can be home by itself for longer then a puppy can. :)(unless you go to camp.)And its great that you already know all about the's really helpful to buy a couple dog training books, they are very useful to first time pet owners.(i have bunnies, and i got two bunny training books, HELPED ME SO MUCH!)Umm... i think i've said all i need to say. :)GOOD LUCK! & HOPE YOU GET YOUR PUPPY!!!! :D :)Source(s):You have to be prepared.And sorry i wrote so much, i get carried away very easilyAha i feel like a nerd :3OH, and if you think your innocent chihuahua you currently own now is "annoying", your new dog might be any better. After the cute puppy stage, they can become wrecks without training and proper love. I'm not sure if a dog is right for you after all of this.

    • make sure you are a responsible and reliable person. Having a dog takes some work. My dog sometimes gets into the trash, you must learn how to react in a orderly matter. Don't treat the dog bad. Just show the dog that that is not a good thing to do. Punish them by keeping them outside for a while or don't give it any treats. Dogs act differently,so be carfull on what type of dog you get. Learn to keep track of your dog and be responsible.

    • 1. Grow up2. there is no such thing as a miniature yorkie. Anything 7 pounds or less is a normal yorkie. They come in ONE size3. Second you are a MINOR. Unless you can pay for a dog and ALL of its needs it will never be ALL yours and you can't stop it from bonding with your mother. Besides odds are good that once you get out of high school and go to college, the military or work you will leave the dog behind.