What is your opinion on puppy mills?

Should they be made illegal?Why or why not?Thanks <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" />

    What is your opinion on puppy mills?

    Should they be made illegal?Why or why not?Thanks <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" />...
    General Dog Discussions : What is your opinion on puppy mills?...

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    • What is your opinion on puppy mills?

      What is your opinion on puppy mills? General Dog Discussions
      Should they be made illegal?Why or why not?Thanks :)

      What is your opinion on puppy mills?

      What is your opinion on puppy mills? General Dog Discussions
    • If they put laws in place that effect puppy mills, they would also effect reputable breeders and they would be the only ones following the law. Instead of making up more laws, I think we need to enforce the laws already on the books.

    • Yes! They should be made illigal! Any mill animal is living with minimal care. They live their whole lives never feeling what love is, terrified of humans, and walk around in their own feces. It is disgusting. Once a dog can no longer breed it is killed, simple as that. They way they are usually killed is extremely inhumane.A lot of puppies that come from mills are sickly. Some even carry diseases like parvo. The dogs are not vet checked to see if they should be bred first, so genetic problems are always bound to pop up later in a dogs life.The people who run mills are only out to make money off the animals. They have no care for what happens to them. Most mill pets end up in shelters anyways, as most people who buy from pet stores shouldn't have a pet in the first place.It is animal cruelty, and nothing less!

    • They should be made illegal. Puppy mills are terrible places. No dog deserves to be kept in a cage its whole life with no human interaction and used for making puppies for money. A lot of puppies that come from these places have terrible behavior problems because their parents never see people except when they feed them. They don't get exercise and are usually kept on wire their whole life so their feet get messed up. They don't even provide them with vet care most of the time and they sell sick puppies to people without caring one bit. It's all about the money for them..

    • If they are made illegal, many breed rescues and animal shelters that adopt out purebred dogs will have no more business.Puppy mills and animal shelters go hand in hand. Before you get mad think about it.

    • Well, considering 175 puppies have been left in buckets and bins on the street around my area because the factory/mill was closing down, on that basis alone from what I have seen, they should be completely illegal. Animals aren't toys, so you can't have a FACTORY for them.

    • I believe they should be illegal if not already so, however many people will disagree. Puppy mills are often met with inbreeding, disease, and inhumane conditions. People want to become breeders but are not always able to handle the responsibility. In my opinion if the puppy mill has clean conditions, no inbreeding, disease, or cruel treatment then they need to get a breeding license.

    • They should be illegal. Anytime the animals have sub-par living conditions, and are being bred in the interest of generating income, the operation, no matter how large or small, should be shut down. Ethical breeders breed in the interest of producing beautiful, well-socialized animals, that are excellent examples of the breed. Mills churn out dogs, with no care or concern for producing healthy pups.

    • i think all puppy mills should be shut down when i was 12 going on 13 i wanted to get a dog i found one my mom and i drove 2 hours to go pick him up he was tiny scared dirty terrified of his own Shadow the women wouldn't let us in the house didn't have any papers on him claimed he was 3 months old took him to the vet he had heat worms wasn't 3 months but 18 months old he was the sweetest dog and loved me to death but he should never have had to endure such a terrible life before i saved him