Where does animal cruelty happen?

What types of environments do animals usually get neglected in or abused?

    Where does animal cruelty happen?

    What types of environments do animals usually get neglected in or abused?...
    General Dog Discussions : Where does animal cruelty happen?...

    • Where does animal cruelty happen?

      Where does animal cruelty happen? General Dog Discussions
      What types of environments do animals usually get neglected in or abused?

      Where does animal cruelty happen?

      Where does animal cruelty happen? General Dog Discussions
    • All types. The nature of humans don't discriminate where to abuse a poor abidul (animal).Usually, if you mean domesticated, it's usually outside in the backyard or inside the house.

    • It's happens everywhere. It probably happens more in inner cities and places with a lower socioeconomic status. I've had to report people (not someone I know, just an animal I saw) for animal neglect. I've taken animals that people could no longer care for. I have a family member who is a vet and he had someone bring him puppies with parvo who were going to be used for dog fighting. It happens anywhere and everywhere. (I don't want to say our locations.) Those shows on animal planet are in larger cities and are usually with families that are lower class...I'm sure it happens in upper class families too, but when it happens there it isn't because they can't afford to feed their animals, it's just cruelty. Of course with the lower class families there are places to take the animals for them, they either just don't want their animals taken away or they don't know about those places.

    • Unfortunately, it can happen in all kinds of places. It can happen in the average person's house, or an animal shelter... really all places with animals and humans together can have animal cruelty.