Arrested on False Allegations on Animal Cruelty 8 months pregnant?

Ok I am gonna try to keep this story kind of short, I need answers to my questions and advice please.Now In March I bought a puppy from a friend for 100 this puppy ended up getting Parvo and passed away (without me knowing) my friend took the dog and…

    Arrested on False Allegations on Animal Cruelty 8 months pregnant?

    Ok I am gonna try to keep this story kind of short, I need answers to my questions and advice please.Now In March I bought a puppy from a friend for 100 this puppy ended up getting Parvo and passed away (without me knowing) my friend took the dog and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Arrested on False Allegations on Animal Cruelty 8 months pregnant?...

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    • Arrested on False Allegations on Animal Cruelty 8 months pregnant?

      Arrested on False Allegations on Animal Cruelty 8 months pregnant? General Dog Discussions
      Ok I am gonna try to keep this story kind of short, I need answers to my questions and advice please.Now In March I bought a puppy from a friend for 100 this puppy ended up getting Parvo and passed away (without me knowing) my friend took the dog and while it was sick to help him get better and let me know what was going on with him. Well she ended up reporting me for animal cruelty(saying I didnt feed te dog or took care of him) and I got arrested at 8 months pregnant .. my daughter is 4 months now and I am still in trial for this .. I am not one who is abusive to animals cause if that was the case how would be able to take care of my children .. now my thing is if this proves that I am innocent do you think it is a possibility or that I should sue this girl not only for the money that I had to spend on all this but also pain and suffering since I was pregnant and they arrested me on false allegations? Please help me and give me your adviceIts not letting me respond but yes 3 vets and a specialist that say it was parvo was the reason the dog passed, as well as witnesses who will be on the stand are going to testify that I never did anything to harm my puppy in anyway.As for why I got the dog was for my daughter and my other pup so he can have a friend (I have a 4 year old and a 4 month old now) I have had animals in the past and have never abused any of them, I am one of those people that if I see an injured animals or strays or anything like that I would take in nurse them to health and have them adopted out, of course that was before my first daughter.

      Arrested on False Allegations on Animal Cruelty 8 months pregnant?

      Arrested on False Allegations on Animal Cruelty 8 months pregnant? General Dog Discussions
    • Do you have proof that you didn't abuse the dog? Can a vet you took the puppy too testify that the puppy was in good health before it contracted Parvo? Mothers can abuse animals just like anybody else, so saying that you take care of your kids is not proof that you didn't abuse the dog. They prosecutor will also need to have evidence that you abused the dog, and if they can't prove it, there is no case. Get proof that you are innocent and take it to court.If the court then drops all charges or finds you not guilty, you can take this girl who falsely accused you to civil court. You file your case and ask for your court costs to be paid for. You can ask for pain and suffering as well. A judge will determine what you will get, or if you des we've anything.

    • Does what prove you are innocent? The fact you care for your children? Certainly not. Plenty of people take great care of their children and view pets as "lesser" creatures and provide horrible quality of care or are abusive towards them. I have no idea the specific allegations against you, but in many locations, the fact that you, as the dog's owner, did not take it to the vet promptly when it became ill would be considered animal cruelty and a prosecutable offense. Parvo has a very high rate of survival when treated promptly by a veterinarian. Animal cruelty cases are very difficult to prosecute, since animals can't testify, and prosecutors simply don't bring charges without quite a lot of proof on their side.In order to successfully sue your friend, you'd have to prove that she knowingly lied about the situation, which would be very difficult to do. Chances are she simply reported that she had given you a puppy that she had to take back after it became ill and was underweight, and that she suspected the dog's condition was due to lack of proper care. Probably that is all accurate.