We want to neuter our 4 month old german shepherd?

he will be 5 months on feburary 5 2009will this affect his growth if yes by how much and howi dont worry about him gaining weight i want him to because he is only 46.8 lbs (under weight)he runs for 3 hours a day

    We want to neuter our 4 month old german shepherd?

    he will be 5 months on feburary 5 2009will this affect his growth if yes by how much and howi dont worry about him gaining weight i want him to because he is only 46.8 lbs (under weight)he runs for 3 hours a day...
    General Dog Discussions : We want to neuter our 4 month old german shepherd?...

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    • We want to neuter our 4 month old german shepherd?

      We want to neuter our 4 month old german shepherd? General Dog Discussions
      he will be 5 months on feburary 5 2009will this affect his growth if yes by how much and howi dont worry about him gaining weight i want him to because he is only 46.8 lbs (under weight)he runs for 3 hours a day

      We want to neuter our 4 month old german shepherd?

      We want to neuter our 4 month old german shepherd? General Dog Discussions
    • You need to wait until his testicles have both dropped fully and at least until he is after 6months old. Most vets would and should refuse to neuter any puppy younger than this. It will not stunt his growth when done at the appropriate time, but if that is what you would like to gain from it, why did you get the dog in the first place knowing it was a large breed? I'm not saying this is what you want, just putting it out there in case it is.Please just speak to your vet and book the dog in only when he has reached a safe age for the operation.

    • Well, it's best to neuter dogs at 6 months of age. It will NOT affect the puppy's growth, don't worry, because it's a minor surgery that will not affect your puppy's play.

    • It probably won't effect his growth.But he probably will gain some weight. Exercise him enough and you can probably avoid that. The vet might give some information as well.

    • My son and his wife had both their dogs neutered right before bringing them home from the shelter, and they were only about 8 weeks old. One of them is 100 lbs now, lol, so no I do not think it stunts their growth :)

    • I was told by my vet to wait until the dog lifts his leg to pee. Apparently that indicates he is no longer a puppy. Why do you want him neutered? Is he causing problems in the home? Best to check with your vet.

    • The advantages of neutering your pet are:Reduces the distracting and destructive behavior associated with the male's efforts to get out and find a mate. Reduces the urge to roam. This makes it less likely that you will lose your pet, which in turn makes your pet less likely to contract a disease, get in a fight, get injured, or become a victim to cruelty, poison, or traffic. Eliminates sexual discomfort, distress, or distraction ... making your pet happier and more content. Eliminates testicular tumors and reduces prostate gland problems. Reduces the urge to fight.No chance of getting puppies.Less likly to mount things.The disadvantages are:Neutering does affect the growth rate and maturation of your dog and increases the likelihood your dog will get fat later in life, unless you control its diet strictly and exercise it regularly, witch is very important in German Shepherds they need exercise EVERY day. (I have one and if dosen't go out for a run hes really hyper!! :) ) It may also affect the growth and texture of your dog’s coat. Most vets will perform this surgery on a pet that is at least 5 or 6 months old. As you can see the advantages out weigh the disadvantages. But allways cheak with you vet and ask questions they are your best resource!!!Hope I helped!!! :PGood luck!!

    • Some vets will neuter before six months others won't -- the jury is still out on that. The earlier you neuter, the less likely they will develop habits like "marking" their territory and roaming. There also seems to be several comments that their muscle tone isn't as defined when they're neutered early. We neutered our the last dog we got before six months and he has never raised his leg to urinate.