what should a great pyrenees puppy weigh at 7 weeks

the reason i am asking this question is because i am trying to prove the pups i got were neglected, animal cruelty. i read a pup at that age should weigh 20 lbs. these pups weighed 7lbs. you can feel and see there entire skeleton. they had fleas,…

    what should a great pyrenees puppy weigh at 7 weeks

    the reason i am asking this question is because i am trying to prove the pups i got were neglected, animal cruelty. i read a pup at that age should weigh 20 lbs. these pups weighed 7lbs. you can feel and see there entire skeleton. they had fleas,…...
    General Dog Discussions : what should a great pyrenees puppy weigh at 7 weeks...

    • what should a great pyrenees puppy weigh at 7 weeks

      what should a great pyrenees puppy weigh at 7 weeks General Dog Discussions
      the reason i am asking this question is because i am trying to prove the pups i got were neglected, animal cruelty. i read a pup at that age should weigh 20 lbs. these pups weighed 7lbs. you can feel and see there entire skeleton. they had fleas, ticks. i was wondering if anyone else bought a pup from this puppy mill. her name is jean smart and lives in jeffersonville.

      what should a great pyrenees puppy weigh at 7 weeks

      what should a great pyrenees puppy weigh at 7 weeks General Dog Discussions
    • generally puppies should be fat and playful so that they lose the fat and make muscle. weight doesnt matter as much as sight and if you can see the bone structure thats not good.

    • You didn't say where Jean Smart LIVES, so it's hard for me to find her since I don't see any website. You need to add more information on her if you want me to be able to help you on that part of your question.She should not have sold the pup before 8 weeks of age, but that cannot be changed now. I can't tell what kind of breeder she might be since you gave no details.You need to visit a Yahoo Pyr group so I'll put a link below.I'll also put a link to an excellent website by a breeder in that groupthat shows how your pup will grow in the next 9 mo. It's a real shock to new pyr owners to find how MUCH their pups change from that cute little snowball to a loving adult who doesn't look like a snowball any more.Your pup may be anywhere from 10 to 15 pounds right now. In the younger, high growth months, they often gain about 10# per month. You're going to have a LOT of questions over the next 6 months, and the Yahoo Pyr group is the BEST place to ask them. You'll get better answers and FASTER there than you ever will here at YABefore you go making any accusations against her for animal abuse, take the pup to your VET and have the Vet evaluate the dog re: possible abuse. You can get recipes to help her gain weight from the group I referred you to. IN ADDITION: If you suspect the breeder is a puppy mill and abusive, then you need to DOCUMENT:1) take photos2) take the pup to the vet3) get a letter from the vet4) Talk to SPCA / Humane Officer about the possibility of abuseOthers who bought from her may not be on YA, so you might not get the response you are hoping for. And Jeffersonville is in what state??? ??? You need to give us FULL information if you want to find someone else who bought from her.Are you talking about Jeffersonville, KY? or Jeffersonville, IN? -!-