My puppy has diarrhea, vomiting, lethargic, not eating or drinking. I can't pay for vet., lost lot of weight?

He is 10 mons. A chiguagua pure breed. The hospital would not see him, cause I didn't have money. I even took something he threw up (looked like pieces of raw liver), tried boiled rice and ground turkey, it worked for two days, but he's worst now. I…

    My puppy has diarrhea, vomiting, lethargic, not eating or drinking. I can't pay for vet., lost lot of weight?

    He is 10 mons. A chiguagua pure breed. The hospital would not see him, cause I didn't have money. I even took something he threw up (looked like pieces of raw liver), tried boiled rice and ground turkey, it worked for two days, but he's worst now. I…...
    General Dog Discussions : My puppy has diarrhea, vomiting, lethargic, not eating or drinking. I can't pay for vet., lost lot of weight?...

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    • My puppy has diarrhea, vomiting, lethargic, not eating or drinking. I can't pay for vet., lost lot of weight?

      My puppy has diarrhea, vomiting, lethargic, not eating or drinking. I can't pay for vet., lost lot of weight? General Dog Discussions
      He is 10 mons. A chiguagua pure breed. The hospital would not see him, cause I didn't have money. I even took something he threw up (looked like pieces of raw liver), tried boiled rice and ground turkey, it worked for two days, but he's worst now. I can't lose him. He's all I have. Please help!!!

      My puppy has diarrhea, vomiting, lethargic, not eating or drinking. I can't pay for vet., lost lot of weight?

      My puppy has diarrhea, vomiting, lethargic, not eating or drinking. I can't pay for vet., lost lot of weight? General Dog Discussions
    • Just take him to a vet. A good vet will work on a payment plan once you are there. Don't say anything about money.Make the appointment tell them its a emergency. Once they have the dog when you go to leave they will ask for payment as they go over things with you. Say all I have right now is this much, can I give you this amount now and make payments to you? They will say yes.A good vet WILL NEVER TURN DOWN A SICK PET! A bad money grubbing vet will. BUT MAKE THOSE PAYMENTS do not screw the vet. If you do not bring him he may die. This is neglect and a form of abuse.

    • look up the parvo virus he most likely has that, he has all the symptoms, not to be mean but without vet help he will pass, its hard for pups to survive parvo even after vet care and its really expensive. im sorry.

    • just get him to a vet, do what you have too. its not like theyll hold the dog hostage if u cant pay.. offer to work your debt off in the office if u have too, most vets will work something out since they want to help

    • There is no such thing as a Chiguagua. It's Chihuahua. Why do you have a puppy, if you don't have any money to take him to the vet? It sounds like your puppy may have Parvo. Has he been vaccinated for Parvo? If not and he does have Parvo, your puppy will die a very painful death in a matter of hours and you can start digging a grave to bury him in. If you can't lose him and he's all you have, then get off your computer and get your puppy to an Emergency Vet NOW (Open 24/7) or better yet, take the puppy to the vet and surrender him to them. They will do their best to treat him and find him a new home if he makes it. You need to take this seriously and you need to understand that you have no time to waste. You are not ready to take proper care of a puppy and it's Against The Law, not to take a sick or injured dog to the vet. Whoever is financially responsible for your puppy, can get into serious legal trouble and possibly go to jail for Animal Cruelty Neglect if someone reports them. Whether your puppy lives or dies, depends on how fast you get him to a vet. It's cruel and inhumane to make the puppy suffer, because you can't afford vet care.

    • If you have a puppy, you should have a well established relationship with a vet already who should be able to work with you. If you decided to skip all the uneccessaries like vaccinations and haven't seen a vet, then no vet is going to see him and hope you'll decide to pay after the fact. Surrender him to a no-kill shelter or rescue. Better he lives with someone else than dies with you

    • Call your area animal control and ask if they are aware of any lower cost clinics in your area. Even though I would hope a good Vet would take a sick dog in, unfortunately, most good Vets hire front office workers trained to turn people away who can't pay. They have to make their money and so many people are in your shoes with their pets. You could try calling Vets in your area or going in person and offering to do some cleaning or work of some sort in exchange for Vet care. That may not be something a Vet will do, but it is worth trying. It is possible that your area animal control or SPCA or Humane Society is aware of something in your area that will help your dog. I hope so. Is there any way that a family member can put the Vet care on a charge card and you find work to make the payments? I hope you can find something.

    • That's ridiculous. Don't you have a credit card? Take your dog to a vet! Charge it on the credit card and make payments. There is even a Credit card that is used for this situation. Called "Care Credit" You can charge the vet bill and be free from paying any interest for the first 6 months.

    • Theodora...Sorry but this is a lame excuse. You buy a pure breed, tiny breed puppy then say you can't afford the proper care for this puppy when he is so desperately in need of proper care? You're all he has to figure this one out! I will just about bet you either bought him from a pet store or couldn't afford his all-important vaccinations -- and now you could very easily be dealing with Parvo.Who in their right mind does such a thing? A dog or puppy is not just acquired to keep you from being lonely -- it is your responsibility in return to protect him with the most basic of his needs, or to face emergencies as his advocate when emergencies arise.Unless you crack open a credit card, open an account with, ask your family or a friend for help on this, or sell something fast, you WILL lose him. A tiny 10 month old chihuahua doesn't have much body weight to go through and is more than likely dehydrated -- he doesn't have a lot of time waiting for you to "afford" the help he desperately needs. If it's Parvo, you are facing an uphill battle even with a vet's attention!