Dog trainer hits and manhandles my puppy ?

I Have a 4.5 month old germán shepherd puppy...the dog trainer hits it and chokes it With a choke chain If it misbehaves or doesnt listen...he also tells me to do the same....i feel this is not the right way.....will this pscologically hurt my dog in…

    Dog trainer hits and manhandles my puppy ?

    I Have a 4.5 month old germán shepherd puppy...the dog trainer hits it and chokes it With a choke chain If it misbehaves or doesnt listen...he also tells me to do the same....i feel this is not the right way.....will this pscologically hurt my dog in…...
    General Dog Discussions : Dog trainer hits and manhandles my puppy ?...

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    • Dog trainer hits and manhandles my puppy ?

      Dog trainer hits and manhandles my puppy ? General Dog Discussions
      I Have a 4.5 month old germán shepherd puppy...the dog trainer hits it and chokes it With a choke chain If it misbehaves or doesnt listen...he also tells me to do the same....i feel this is not the right way.....will this pscologically hurt my dog in the long run ?

      Dog trainer hits and manhandles my puppy ?

      Dog trainer hits and manhandles my puppy ? General Dog Discussions
    • you have to assert your dominance but not to the point of violence. there is more than one way to put a dog in his place. I do not agree with your trainer, if it doesn't feel right either tell ur trainer or get a new one, it is ur dog and you have a right to train him the way u want. if u continually hurt your dog then they will not trust you the same way. I would suggest getting a new trainer....

    • time to a new trainer. One who will teach you dog to obey you out of respect not out of fear. You are 100% right this is NOT good for your dog. Using a choke chain during training is one thing but hitting the dog is another story.

    • It sounds to me like your trainer is using an old school, out dated training method. Most trainers now realize that positive reinforcement works a heck of a lot better than punishment. I would seriously consider finding a new trainer. 99.99% of dogs can be trained without hitting them or choking them.Hope this helps.

    • ABSOLUTELY! Were I you, I would RUN, not walk, away from any trainer that abused my dog like that! A good trainer will use positive reinforcement, not abuse, to train a dog. Yes, it could not only physically damage your dog, but psychologically damage it as well!

    • A puppy that young should never be in a choke chain or any corrective training device. His pectoral girdle can easily be strained since it is still developing and that will cause long term damage. No puppy should be struck like this, especially by a trainer. This trainer is an idiot. Ask if you can get a refund because you will not be returning to class.Contact local dog clubs, rescues, and your vet's office and ask for referrals to good trainers. You can also find an AKC-CGC trainer online at