How to make puppy stop eating poop?

i know some vets say that the reason a dog eats his poop is bc he is lacking in a vitamin. well he eats the really good puppy food. either way its got to stop! what can i do to make him stop eating his poop?!

    How to make puppy stop eating poop?

    i know some vets say that the reason a dog eats his poop is bc he is lacking in a vitamin. well he eats the really good puppy food. either way its got to stop! what can i do to make him stop eating his poop?!...
    General Dog Discussions : How to make puppy stop eating poop?...

    • How to make puppy stop eating poop?

      How to make puppy stop eating poop? General Dog Discussions
      i know some vets say that the reason a dog eats his poop is bc he is lacking in a vitamin. well he eats the really good puppy food. either way its got to stop! what can i do to make him stop eating his poop?!

      How to make puppy stop eating poop?

      How to make puppy stop eating poop? General Dog Discussions
    • My puppy did the same thing and the vet told me not to give her really tasty treats. Don't give your puppy wet dog food either. This is really gross but if they eat really tasty food they will eat their poop because they will think it is good a second time.

    • There is some pills you can get that are supposed to make the poop smell bad to them. Not sure why it doesn't already, but them I'm not a dog.As I recall they were kind of expensive, but we tried them with our dog when she was a puppy. For us, it didn't help, she started eating the poop again when we ran out of pills. She's almost 6 years old and she ate her poop just recently?The best advise is to pick up the poop as soon as the puppy drops it.I have a new puppy, he is not interested in a poopy diet. Drops it, kicks some grass on it and moves on.Curious, is your puppy a female? I wonder if it's just female dogs that do that? Mothers dogs eat their puppy's feces naturally, I wonder if all female dogs have a taste for it?

    • Try "Deter Dog Coprophagia Treament". You can purchase it for around $10 for 120 tablets at It is a pill you give the dog each day to make their feces unappetizing to them. Keep in mind that if you have more than one dog or if your dog is around other dogs' feces, all the dogs have to be given the pills to make all of the poop taste/smell bad! Hope this helps...

    • Punish him properly when he does this... you must watch him carefully. A loud noise usually does the trick. If not asert dominance immediatly, and tell him NO! Good luck!

    • Try adding Meat Tenderizer to his food, just a little sprinkle and he will stop eating his poop....I did this with mine and it worked....the meat tenderizer tends to give it a bad odor when he poops and will steer him away from it.

    • I have a 12 week old Shiba. I needed to find out why he takes so long to poop sometimes...up to 5 hours after eating. I found out he is waiting for the right time when I leave the room to quickly poop and eat. Nothing has worked as far as the "deter" and other suggested remedies. I think he just wants more food. He doesn't have giardia or worms. I justs will watch him constantly since I work at home.