What happens when you give your puppy your moms vitamin instead of the pill it needs to take?

I just got a cocker spaniel puppy. What would happen if I gave her one of my moms vitamins instead of the pill she needs to take? When we got her she was abused, hairless, and scared. We are trying to improve her look and I gave her the vitamin on…

    What happens when you give your puppy your moms vitamin instead of the pill it needs to take?

    I just got a cocker spaniel puppy. What would happen if I gave her one of my moms vitamins instead of the pill she needs to take? When we got her she was abused, hairless, and scared. We are trying to improve her look and I gave her the vitamin on…...
    General Dog Discussions : What happens when you give your puppy your moms vitamin instead of the pill it needs to take?...

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    • What happens when you give your puppy your moms vitamin instead of the pill it needs to take?

      What happens when you give your puppy your moms vitamin instead of the pill it needs to take? General Dog Discussions
      I just got a cocker spaniel puppy. What would happen if I gave her one of my moms vitamins instead of the pill she needs to take? When we got her she was abused, hairless, and scared. We are trying to improve her look and I gave her the vitamin on accident.

      What happens when you give your puppy your moms vitamin instead of the pill it needs to take?

      What happens when you give your puppy your moms vitamin instead of the pill it needs to take? General Dog Discussions
    • be careful...human vitamins have minerals and vitamins in doses that are good for us but harmful or even dangerous to dogs!!! Too much iron is one of those that are particularly dangerous. I'd honestly call a vet and/or induce vomiting to get the pill out. If it were a larger dog I might think it'd be okay, but it's a puppy...call the vet pronto and get that pill OUT!

    • I would watch her very carefully for the next day or so. Since she is so tiny & the vitamin is formulated for an adult human, it's way too much for her. I would definitely call the vet & read the ingredients to him. He may want you to bring her in ASAP.Most of the ingredients of the vitamins will be "water soluble," like vitamin C. It's the "fat soluble" ones which are a concern. Like vitamin E. If she gets too much of the fat soluble vitamins, she could get very ill.Do NOT give her any more of your mom's vitamins. They make great vitamins for dogs. You can even buy them at Walmart.NO - you do NOT need to be name brand vitamins, they are EXACTLY the same ingredients.Also, to get her healthy & looking good, you can really on her dog food to do that. Give her a few months of care & good nutrition, and she should be fine. If you DO want to give her dog vitamins, just give her half of one per day.