Any suggestions?when i bring her in the house she still cries and barks, can i give her chamomile tea? i know it sounds weird but is it toxic to dogs? i hear it can be a sedative. maybe i can give her a benadryl?


    Any suggestions?when i bring her in the house she still cries and barks, can i give her chamomile tea? i know it sounds weird but is it toxic to dogs? i hear it can be a sedative. maybe i can give her a benadryl?...
    General Dog Discussions : HOW DO I REDUCE MY DOGS ANXIEY ON THE 4TH OF jULY?...


      HOW DO I REDUCE MY DOGS ANXIEY ON THE 4TH OF jULY? General Dog Discussions
      Any suggestions?when i bring her in the house she still cries and barks, can i give her chamomile tea? i know it sounds weird but is it toxic to dogs? i hear it can be a sedative. maybe i can give her a benadryl?


      HOW DO I REDUCE MY DOGS ANXIEY ON THE 4TH OF jULY? General Dog Discussions
    • If your dog has real bad anxiety, talk to your vet. They should be able to give you a tranquilizer. One of mine is on Acepromazine for occasions like that.You can try Benadryl, but ALWAYS check with your vet before giving any medications.

    • Turn on a radio to drown out the sound, don't coddle her, you'll teach her its ok to be afraid. You may also want to try something called Rescue Remedy.

    • Our vet gave us the correct dosage of benedryl to give our dogs - a little doggie cocktail to knock the edge off, if you will. I'll be interested to hear if anyone knows about chamomile. I know it doesn't work very well on me, and I also know that many herbs that are okay for us aren't so good for our canine friends.

    • Contact your vet never give over the counter medication to a dog unless oking it with your vet.I have already made plans with our vet to medicate Chance the Rotti/mix she gets so very scared. Bless her heart not much more has ever helped her. The two Chihuahua's are pit bulls in disguise and nothing scares them. lolKaty...I reported your message so that they can send the police to where you isp is coming from. Better hope it's no hoax.

    • Getting a tranquilizer from the vet is a good idea. You can also by some natural remedies at the pet store. I've used Quiet Moments the last two nights, one night for fireworks and tonight for a bad lightening storm, and it seems to work. I have also used benedryl on my dogs (recommended by vet for allergic reaction) so know it doesn't hurt them.Also, put her in a room that's in the middle of the house so she can't see the flashes, and it'll be a little quieter. You can turn on a radio and a fan to help cover the noise. Don't baby her cause she might think that is she acts scared you'll pay more attention to her. You don't want to reinforce this behavior. Stay calm cause that will help her stay calm.

    • Another idea to try. There is something called Rescue Remedy. It is available at GMC stores and most vitamin/health food outlets. This stuff works wonders. You put about eight drops in the dog's mouth. Another option that is extremely popular among the American Eskimo Dog owners is to get pure lavender oil (like from Bath and Body Works). Put several drops on it's nose. The scent will help it to relax and calm down. But Y E S--DO talk to your vet, NOW, and get a small bit of the medication. You can use this as a last resort--if the natural, holistic remedies do not help. Good luck! I have a little deaf-blind American Eskimo/Bull Terrier/Fox Terrier/??? mix that is petrified of thunderstoms (yes the ones with the thunderboomers that vibrate your house). When this little dog freaks out, she REALLY freaks out. Pants and pants. I really need to get the lavender oil--Rescue Remedy does NOTHING for this little girl--who was a puppy mill throwaway to the Harris County Animal Control (HCAC) at a mere three to four weeks old. She is also petrified of flashlights and camera flashes.

    • I wouldn't give her any medicine that is used on humans. I would turn a TV or radio on and drown out the sound. She may get anxious at first but after a little while, I'm sure she will get used to it and ignore it. But don't let her outside, on a tie or in a fenced yard. Because 4th of July is the day where most dogs are reported missing.(That's a real stat :) ) They will pull their tie out from the ground or dig under the fence. But please don't do the tea or benadryl, that cant be good for a dog

    • Talk to the vet about it. If the vet won't do anything, bring her indoors and put up with the barking. A family friend had a dog who had anxiety around loud noises. On New Years Eve she tried running away from the noise of fireworks, got out of the yard and was hit by a car. It would be a great idea to keep her in the garage or a bathroom for her safety, only if the vet cannot give her anything. I know it sounds cruel to keep her somewhere so small if she is an outdoor dog, but I think she would prefer a few hours in a smaller area than being scared or possibly hurt.