How can I stop my chihuahua from being so damn picky?

My 3 month old chihuahua is so picky with his food! I bought him some expensive food that he just snubs his nose at. He just wants human food but I dont give in to him. So he just starves until he cant take it anymore and eats the food I bought him. I…

    How can I stop my chihuahua from being so damn picky?

    My 3 month old chihuahua is so picky with his food! I bought him some expensive food that he just snubs his nose at. He just wants human food but I dont give in to him. So he just starves until he cant take it anymore and eats the food I bought him. I…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I stop my chihuahua from being so damn picky?...

    • How can I stop my chihuahua from being so damn picky?

      How can I stop my chihuahua from being so damn picky? General Dog Discussions
      My 3 month old chihuahua is so picky with his food! I bought him some expensive food that he just snubs his nose at. He just wants human food but I dont give in to him. So he just starves until he cant take it anymore and eats the food I bought him. I dont like that hes starving the whole day, is it normal fo chihuahuas do act like this?

      How can I stop my chihuahua from being so damn picky?

      How can I stop my chihuahua from being so damn picky? General Dog Discussions
    • my dog was the same way...i was scared that he'd starve to death. i tried different brands, but i settled on Nature's Variety. He didn't like it at first, but I guess he got used to it and now he loves it. Just try out different brands. Your dog is bound to like one of them. But I suggest buying a high quality dog food, not the ones from your local supermarket.

    • Chihuahua's don't have the excellent sense of smell that most other dogs do. Try buying some 'dog gravy' from the pet stores. It will help make his food almost as yummy as people food. Keep getting him good quality dog food. Never feed him table scraps- it promotes bad behavior and packs on the pounds. Chi's are notorious people food bandits- and when they get too fat- they have joint troubles, heart problems and asthma. If you are worried about him not eating all day- buy some Nutri-Cal paste. That way if his blood sugar dips and he needs a quick jolt of food- you wil have it handy. Good luck with your chi! (I have 4!!!) BTW- Dr.s Foster and Smith have a great website that can help you with your puppy problems- they have great prices too!

    • Expensive doesn't mean good, either taste wise or nutritionally. Every dog has it's own preference. People food is a learned preference. As long as they eat once a day it's fine. Leave the food out, and he will adapt.

    • Mine is the same...... I have been hand feeding him.... otherwise, he doesn't eat. Then, I came up with a solution! Mix rice in with the food! It works! Plus, it's easy to keep rice in the fridge..... you'll see that he will try and pick out the rice, but he'll end up eating most of the food with the rice. Also, a super helpful a belly band for him if he pees/ lifts his leg. It's the best thing going..... you wrap it around their belly and it secures with velcro. You can get them at a pet store. It's made of nylon and can be washed. I don't know if yours is housebroken, but this has saved me alot of headaches and I just found out about belly bands!

    • Start treating it like a dog.Give the food in a bowl on the ground away from distractions. If he doesn't eat in ten minutes take it away. No dog will willingly starve itself. My absolutely will not eat from anyone other than me dog (1 1/2 at the time) refused to eat for eight days while I was hospitalised (preggers) On the ninth day Hurrah he ate.Its a puppy you have so free choice water at all times for any age and offer fresh food three times daily. If he doesn't eat, Tough, until next feed. You can try different brands to find one he likes. I would have no problem letting him sort this out over a few days. You are not starving the animal, you are offering good nutritious dog food at reasonable times. Get a vet approved complete puppy food to settle your guilt. Stand firm, all dogs prefer what mummy or daddy is eating. It leads to serious doggy problems like obesity, lack of vitamins, poisioning (chocolate) and rotten teeth for just a few things.Soft food is usually very attractive and One day is not starving. If hes still not eating after three I'd see a vet at his age.Some tricks are.Put the dog food on your plate and sit down to "eat" then offer to the dog.Feed him nibble by nibble from your fingers. (labour intensive and messy)I used tohave to feed mine from my hands in a closed room or a place where no one else could see him or he would refuse, hugely intensive for a now 60 kg dog (think real big pup) I would cave on day two of the hunger strike. Until I was stuck and simply could not feed him myself. As I said, eight days later like magic he ate. Still prefers screening from stangers when eating but will eat happily in front of immediate family members and frequent visitors. Good luck