A stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in my unused garage, what do I do?

Okay so he res the deal. A not so stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in one of my two garages. The reason I say not so stray is because we're friends she lets me touch her puppies and even go into her nest. This is the first time its ever happened and I…

    A stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in my unused garage, what do I do?

    Okay so he res the deal. A not so stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in one of my two garages. The reason I say not so stray is because we're friends she lets me touch her puppies and even go into her nest. This is the first time its ever happened and I…...
    General Dog Discussions : A stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in my unused garage, what do I do?...

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    • A stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in my unused garage, what do I do?

      A stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in my unused garage, what do I do? General Dog Discussions
      Okay so he res the deal. A not so stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in one of my two garages. The reason I say not so stray is because we're friends she lets me touch her puppies and even go into her nest. This is the first time its ever happened and I provided some bedding for her puppies. The thing is I live in a pretty old house and the garage where the puppies are doesn't have a door and it has a lot of leaves and dirt because I live in the country. She's a pretty good mom, she leaves me alone with the puppies so she trusts me, but when it comes to the rest of my family she gets protective. I would take them inside but the thing is my mom doesn't really like dogs, she won't buy anything to help care for the puppies and their mother, I've been feeding the momma dog some food of the dog I luckily own, he's a chihuahua and we feed him puppy pedigree food I've been secretly doing it for a couple days now considering the puppies were born last week. Anyways I need suggestions on what to do without wasting money and to support the momma dog.Thanks for the answers, thanks to my step dad we'll be keeping 1 puppy and my mom said we're gonna give them away when they're weaned but i don't know if its gonna work out because the mom eats once a day when I read that they should eat more so they produce milk got any more advice? And I live in Puerto Rico we don't have all th stores that are in the U.S. my sister also saw me feeding the dog and she's mad because she buys it very often. My aunt's friend works at a shelter and I think they don't euthanize there and I've only been there a couple times for my dog's vaccinations, check ups and other things and also my mom's cousin has a lot of expirience raising litters considering that she's raise mor than a dozen chihuahua litters (yes, I got my dog from her) but i don't know if its gonna happen because she's studying now and she wasn"t before. Please give me more tips the puppies are in horrible condition and they have dir

      A stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in my unused garage, what do I do?

      A stray dog gave birth to 9 puppies in my unused garage, what do I do? General Dog Discussions
    • call a vet and see if theyll check them for free. highly doubtful, so find a no kill shelter.shelters often like taking in puppies - they make be expensive, but they do find homes quicker. pedigree is kind of a bad food. taking care of a mother and puppies is VERY expensive. each one needs a vet trip. the mother (and your dog, while your at it) need a higher quality food.

    • The puppies will soon need supplemental food other than their mom's milk, so would you be able to provide for that? I'd call the humane society if I were you and ask them if they'd be willing to take the momma and her babies. If your mom doesn't want to support this momma, then she needs to be taken to someone who will because she will have a hard time rearing her babies without someone's support.(Vet bills for checkups, vaccinations, deworming, soft foods etc)

    • Keep feeding the mother dog becaue she needs all the strength she can get to produce her milk for those babies. In around 2 months (If they're allowed to stay that long?) you can like set up outside walmart or winn-dixie and give away the puppies. My dog had puppies twice and all we did was give them away in front of stores. Just tell your mom you want to help them and they'll be gone once they're old enough to be weaned off her milk and heck maybe someone will even want to take the mother (doubtful, but worth a try)Good Luck!!

    • Bless your heart for wanting to help this poor mama! I think you are going to need help though because 9 pups is a big litter and as they start to grow, that mama dog is going to need lots of food. Once the pups are between 4-8 weeks of age, they will start to eat (and poop!) too, so this could turn into a big commitment! The pups will also need vaccine, worming etc.Here's the good news though. Most places in America have people who rescue dogs in situations like this. What town or state are you in? Here's a state by state list of no kill shelters where they might know someone who can take this mom in and find her and the pups a good home: http://fluffynet.com/no-kill-shelters/ You can try to get the word out and see if someone will help you- there are people out there who care, the trick is finding those kind of people. Call some vets in your area and see if they know anybody who rescues dogs or if they know of a no-kill shelter in your area.For now, what you are doing is working, it's good for the mom to eat puppy chow while she is nursing. Most important she needs calcium so she does not get eclampsia. http://www.ehow.com/about_5345025_eclampsia-symptoms-dogs.htmlThe dog food is okay, but any meat or other food she gets needs to be supplemented with calcium. A little Cottage cheese or yogurt is good for her, but avoid milk because it makes dogs sick, they can't digest milk.Best of luck, and it's nice to see someone who has so much compassion!