Why would my dog be acting strange after giving birth?

My dog (mini dachshund) gave birth to 4 puppies 2 days ago. Today she is completely restless and crying almost constantly. She jumps in and out of the box where the puppies are and then runs to us and sits in front of us and cries as if she's trying to…

    Why would my dog be acting strange after giving birth?

    My dog (mini dachshund) gave birth to 4 puppies 2 days ago. Today she is completely restless and crying almost constantly. She jumps in and out of the box where the puppies are and then runs to us and sits in front of us and cries as if she's trying to…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why would my dog be acting strange after giving birth?...

    • Why would my dog be acting strange after giving birth?

      Why would my dog be acting strange after giving birth? General Dog Discussions
      My dog (mini dachshund) gave birth to 4 puppies 2 days ago. Today she is completely restless and crying almost constantly. She jumps in and out of the box where the puppies are and then runs to us and sits in front of us and cries as if she's trying to tell us something. She's also shaking. What could cause this?Please don't respond with "take her to the vet." I will probably do this anyway, but I would like to know if anyone has experienced this or any vets on here know what it could be.

      Why would my dog be acting strange after giving birth?

      Why would my dog be acting strange after giving birth? General Dog Discussions
    • Take her to the vet. Take the puppies with. They should be seeing a vet soon, anyway.Edit: We don't know what it could be. We can't diagnose her. Take her to the vet today. She could have a simple virus, a placenta still in her, some sort of bacterial infection, or any number of things.

    • rush her to the vet. If she has a puppy left in her, she will die if you don't. There are also many other complications that can happen after birth, that could cause her to die. Rush to the vet.

    • If this is her first litter she may be nervous about not knowing what to do...I'd take her AND her puppies to the vet. Either something is wrong with her or something is wrong with one of the puppies. Either shes trying to tell you something is wrong with her and she's also trying to keep her eyes on her babies, or shes trying to indicate that one of her puppies isn't well.(Or, hopefully, nothing is wrong and she's just being neurotic since she just gave birth.)

    • she just had puppies.i have a pitbull and she gave birth in june and we had her out side.i was the only one who could put ice in her boul with her trying to bite.she is still in pain.

    • This could very well be a life-threatening emergency. I know you don't want to be told to take the bitch and pups to the vet, but that is exactly what you must do -- NOW! The bitch could have an unborn puppy or retained placenta, and both are deadly to her if not handled immediately!(By the way, the word which Answers has deleted -- probably as an obscenity -- is actually the proper name for a female in the canine family. It rhymes with "itch".)

    • The only response is take her to the vet. She might just be a nervous new mom, and she needs calming and help getting everyone situated.. But she might have other problems. Try calming her, sitting with her and encouraging her to feed the puppies. Show her that it's a good thing. Move puppies so that she can get in and lay down easily. Sit with her.