Why does my puppy start coughing when she exercises?

My dog, a six month old beagle pointer mix has had all her shots, has a good appetite and seems healthy in every way. But whenever she runs or is very active, she often has trouble breathing, she coughs and wheezes. I am planning on taking her to the vet…

    Why does my puppy start coughing when she exercises?

    My dog, a six month old beagle pointer mix has had all her shots, has a good appetite and seems healthy in every way. But whenever she runs or is very active, she often has trouble breathing, she coughs and wheezes. I am planning on taking her to the vet…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my puppy start coughing when she exercises?...

    • Why does my puppy start coughing when she exercises?

      Why does my puppy start coughing when she exercises? General Dog Discussions
      My dog, a six month old beagle pointer mix has had all her shots, has a good appetite and seems healthy in every way. But whenever she runs or is very active, she often has trouble breathing, she coughs and wheezes. I am planning on taking her to the vet soon but was wondering if anyone had an idea as to why she acts that way.

      Why does my puppy start coughing when she exercises?

      Why does my puppy start coughing when she exercises? General Dog Discussions
    • Honestly I would get her to the vet as my dog has a heart murmur and he told me if she starts coughing it could mean her heart is filling with fluid and needs medication to drain it.I doubt yours is this serious but I would not ignore it.Good luck!

    • just gets a dry throat....make sure you always keep water with you when you take her on walks....my pom choks and gags and coughs and it's only because he gets a dry throat