How do you get a border collie cheap?

i have really wanted a border collie,the dog, but i cant afford one...what should i do??

    How do you get a border collie cheap?

    i have really wanted a border collie,the dog, but i cant afford one...what should i do??...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do you get a border collie cheap?...

    • How do you get a border collie cheap?

      How do you get a border collie cheap? Dog Breed Discussions
      i have really wanted a border collie,the dog, but i cant afford one...what should i do??

      How do you get a border collie cheap?

      How do you get a border collie cheap? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Every breed has its own rescue groups. You can search the rescue groups and to find the dog you want.My great aunt got her border collie through her local shelter. He was just under a year old, and the adoption fee was $75.(If you can't afford an adoption fee, you should not get a dog right now. Food, vet bills, and other expenses add up very quickly when you have pets.)

    • I will say this time & time againif money is an issue wait till your in a better finacial situation before getting a dog.If you love the dogs that much why dont you offer your services as a volenteer at your nearest rescue centre im dam sure there will be a few border collies there.

    • If you can't afford the initial cost of the dog... you shouldn't have a dog at all. Vet bills can be VERY expensive, and if they don't get proper care they can die. My dog broke her leg a few months ago, and since she was too small for a cast, she had to have a metal rod put in her arm. In the end, it cost 5000 bucks. Also, shots and just regular vet visits can be about 100 dollars each time and a spay/neuter can be about 100-200 bucks as well.... and then you need to buy food, collars, leashes, toys, dog beds, bones, pay for the dog to be groomed... and trust me, it is not cheap at all! It's nice that you want a dog, but wait until you have a good job, and can afford one.

    • If you cant afford the dog can you afford injections worming insurance vet bills if any think goes wrong please think of everything before you get a dog its only him that will suffer if you cant afford all of these.If you can go to your local dog shelter you might find what your looking for there

    • If you are not familiar with the breed, you need to do some research. Not everyone can be a border collie parent. They are highly intelligent, need lots of exercise, training, toys and activity! If ignored, behavior problems will follow. Many end up in shelters and rescues because people buy them without knowing what they are getting into-this is not the dog to get because it looks cool.Don't get me wrong if you have already done the homework. I myself own a rescue and have no regrets-they are a great breed. But if you're not prepared for the challenge, please chose another.