Honest answers only: did you socialize your puppy enough and if not how did he/she turn out?

I am curious to know because I live in the country and many pupppies of my neighbors were never much socialized but yet are the friendliest dogs ever, and then I have a friend that has a doberman, he has been to puupy classes, obedience training and…

    Honest answers only: did you socialize your puppy enough and if not how did he/she turn out?

    I am curious to know because I live in the country and many pupppies of my neighbors were never much socialized but yet are the friendliest dogs ever, and then I have a friend that has a doberman, he has been to puupy classes, obedience training and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Honest answers only: did you socialize your puppy enough and if not how did he/she turn out?...

    • Honest answers only: did you socialize your puppy enough and if not how did he/she turn out?

      Honest answers only: did you socialize your puppy enough and if not how did he/she turn out? General Dog Discussions
      I am curious to know because I live in the country and many pupppies of my neighbors were never much socialized but yet are the friendliest dogs ever, and then I have a friend that has a doberman, he has been to puupy classes, obedience training and socialized but yet he growls at strangers.

      Honest answers only: did you socialize your puppy enough and if not how did he/she turn out?

      Honest answers only: did you socialize your puppy enough and if not how did he/she turn out? General Dog Discussions
    • my first American bulldog i did not socialize enough. she dose not like strangers and has growled at a few. my other two i did socialize them well & they love everyone. my 4th dog is a shpt/mixed. she was dump is between 7-9 years. she loves everyone one now, but was very scared of ppl when we found her about 2 years ago. :)

    • our little chiwawa mix was not socialized and now she is anti-social severely. she attacks anyone outside the family!the newest puppy has been introduced to everyone possible and is cuddly and affectionate to anyone.so i do feel that socialization affects temparment. of course, the puppy's individual temparment has a lot to do with it too. scruffy is dominant and jealous naturally (chiwawa mix) so she just kind of has always been that way. of course, the baby came cuddly and clingy which made him more social.it's a balance of the two, i think.

    • My dog will be two this summer and i didnt really socialize her as much as i should. Before we adopted her, she was very social with her brothers and sisters. I should probably take her for a walk and let her play with my friends' dogs. Even though she's not socialized with other dogs, she has a very friendly personality, very hyper active though.

    • well i own two dogs. 1 from a breeder the other one is a shelter dog. My pomeranian that we got from the breeder is well socialized and loves everyone but my little aussie shepherd from the shelter was never well socialized when it was a puppy and it was afraid of strangers and big dogs and dobermans can be vary protective of there family and will try to protect their family by growling at strangersyour neighbors puppies are probably just naturally friendly pups.

    • I tihink it has some to do with the breed and alot to do with the personality your dog was born with.We got our dog when she was already 8months old, she was not socialized at all. She still loved people but was afraid to go outside and go to public places. We still have to work on her with going out in public but she has gotten better. But she is a very friendly dog.

    • It depends on when and how socialization was done. I have had Dobermans and other breeds who were poorly socialized as puppies and always tended to be fear biters. Have also had dogs that were well socialized as puppies but never much after and they were okay but still not terribly strong charactered. A lot depends upon the basic temperament as well as proper socialization. Growling can tend to show that the dog isn't confident - that doesn't have to do with 'socialization' entirely. A dog with confident character can get primary socialization and still be good even lacking good secondary social interactions. A dog lacking in inherent confidence can be socialized to the max and still lack confidence. The Doberman growling is a defensive gesture, usually. It would more indicate his lack of confidence more than anything regarding socialization although poor or inadequate socialization at the correct times can also cause lacking in confidence. Most dogs with normally sound temperaments can still be trained to increase confidence levels - it isn't something many novices are capable though. Living in the country doesn't negate having good socialization.

    • IMO you are comparing apples and oranges. Farm dogs are very smart and independent thinkers.They know what is right for miles around. A Dobie is bred for temperament a lot now but in his heart of hearts a Dobie will always be a protector. If the Dob has been trained and such he will be fine he just may be a dignified one. And just not friendly, kind of a snob lol.You know Dogs are as different as we are, haahah.

    • I can honestly say I never ever socialized my dog. Never went to any classes or had any training. I did it all by myself. I do have a Shih-Tzu that is well behaved and has a great personality. My sister and friends have brought the dogs over and my dog is a little leary at first but does warm up and play quit nicely. I am not against classes and training I just did not do it. Your friends dog could just being protective.

    • The last puppy I got (huskie/aussie mix) was started on socializing at seven weeks, when I got her. She was obedience trained and trick trained. She is the most well-behaved and social dog I have. She is friendly, obedient, doesnt get nervous in strange situations, and everyone I know covets her.My miniature pinscher who I got at three months, is so gentle and social that I use her for rescue events. I dont ever have to worry about kids sticking their hands in her face-she would never retaliate.My sheltie, who I got at three months is very well-behaved and although she has the caution of a normal sheltie, she is right there waiting to be petted by all who approach.The 1 1/2 year old cattle dog I rescued from the kill shelter who had not been socialized is so dangerous to people and children that I have to keep her in my home and never take her out in public. She gets muzzled at the vet so he can touch her. We have been working with her for almost a year.The five year old miniature pinscher that was used a pit bull bait and rescued from a kill shelter charges and attacks all strangers. After working with her for a year, she stops after about five minutes and starts to behave, but that first five minutes are tense.These are just some of my dogs, and I have had more in the past, but every dog that was socialized by me as apuppy turned out great and every dog I have rescued came with baggage that I had to deal with before I could take them out in public.So I would have to say that your example is an exception to the general rule.