How do I keep my Border Collie from biting strangers and other dogs?

My Border Collie is afraid of strangers when we leave the house. When we are home she is very friendly. She also tends to get in fights with other dogs she doesn't know. I am afraid of taking her in public if she nips. I want to be able to trust her. If…

    How do I keep my Border Collie from biting strangers and other dogs?

    My Border Collie is afraid of strangers when we leave the house. When we are home she is very friendly. She also tends to get in fights with other dogs she doesn't know. I am afraid of taking her in public if she nips. I want to be able to trust her. If…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How do I keep my Border Collie from biting strangers and other dogs?...

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    • How do I keep my Border Collie from biting strangers and other dogs?

      How do I keep my Border Collie from biting strangers and other dogs? Dog Breed Discussions
      My Border Collie is afraid of strangers when we leave the house. When we are home she is very friendly. She also tends to get in fights with other dogs she doesn't know. I am afraid of taking her in public if she nips. I want to be able to trust her. If you have any ideas to get her more socialized please tell me!! Thanks.She is 2 and i do have her in obedience class. She is getting better but there is one dog that she absolutly HATES!! She likes most people but she growls at a couple people. She is very smart and she knows how to sit, stay, lie down, shake, and she knows commands for the tunnel, jump, and chute. She also knows slow, normal, and fast time when i am walking her. We live on a farm so she didnt get to go a lot of places when she was a puppy. But many people come to our house and they can pet her and every thing so idk what her deal is lol. Thanks for answering!

      How do I keep my Border Collie from biting strangers and other dogs?

      How do I keep my Border Collie from biting strangers and other dogs? Dog Breed Discussions
    • You might want to try taking her to obedience class.I had a similar problem with my very own furry one - I took him to class and he began getting used to people and other dogs little by little. Also taking him to the dog park helped a lot - just be sure to keep a close eye on him so that others (specially kids) dont run up to him and put him in a crompomising situation. He will come around with time - obviously you care very deeply for him and he knows that since he's very loveable at home.

    • Dogs form their personalities in the first four months of their lives. You don't say how old your dog is but it sounds like you neglected to train and socialize at that time. You might still be able to help her by taking her to crowded places and spend an hour or so at a time making her comfortable around people by doing things she likes.