What do I do if my dog got her period?

My 9 month old Yorkie puppy is getting her period. She is having a mild flow of droplets, but I don't know what to do? Am I supposed to do something?

    What do I do if my dog got her period?

    My 9 month old Yorkie puppy is getting her period. She is having a mild flow of droplets, but I don't know what to do? Am I supposed to do something?...
    General Dog Discussions : What do I do if my dog got her period?...

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    • What do I do if my dog got her period?

      What do I do if my dog got her period? General Dog Discussions
      My 9 month old Yorkie puppy is getting her period. She is having a mild flow of droplets, but I don't know what to do? Am I supposed to do something?

      What do I do if my dog got her period?

      What do I do if my dog got her period? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes. Call your vet and schedule an appointment to have her spayed in 3 weeks. :) If you're worried about your house you can get little doggie diapers with disposable pads.PS-Your dog is in heat. Humans have a 'period' dogs don't.

    • You can get her diapers from Petsmart or Petco. I know it sounds silly but it keeps her from making a mess all over. Better yet, take her to get her spayed that way you don't have to deal with it!

    • It depends if you want to have her fixed or not. If not they sell doggy diapers for such things. If you want to have her fixed the vet will do it once she reaches the appropriate age. Hope i was of some kind of help and gl.

    • Other than get her spayed? (there are plenty of health benefits to getting her spayed now, that will generally increase her lifespan)Keep her isolated from other dogs (in particular males - for obvious reasons). You can buy some diapers to put on her to contain the 'spotting'. Right now, she'll be very motivated to escape, and other dogs will be very motivated to get to her, so be vigilent, and stop this from happening, otherwise you'll likely have a dead puppy on your hands (if she's accidentally impregnated by a larger dog, there are serious risks of complications). Best of luck.

    • You can pick up doggie diapers from the pet store to keep the house clean. (Your dog doesn't need them, but your carpets might.)Keep her on a leash at all times when she is out of the house, and never unsupervised. You don't want a strange male breeding her. If you have an intact male in the house, keep them apart or get one or both of them fixed.If you haven't spayed her yet because you intend to breed her, first give breeding a second thought. Are you really prepared for what it involves? If you're asking this question, you are not yet educated enough about breeding dogs to do so without endangering the health of your female or potential puppies. If you still want to breed, you should wait until she is two years old and fully mature. Younger dogs have more complications of pregnancy. In the meantime, go learn more about breeding from your vet.If you don't want to breed her, then she really needs to be spayed. The vet can do it now, but it's better to wait a couple of weeks until she is out of heat if that is an option.

    • no your not suppose to do anything...Just keep male dogs away if you don't want puppies...you can put a baby diaper on her if you don't want blood on your stuff..My parents have done that before..Just take it off when she goes outside...My dog is fixed so not sure how long they are in heat...PS: get her fixed if your not going to breed her..That way you don't have to deal with it..