Why does my dog only throw up in my room and not any others?

My dog will only come into my room to vomit and I'm tired of having to clean it up. He wont throw up in my parents' room or any others in the house. I walk him and feed him and this is how he repays me?Please help.

    Why does my dog only throw up in my room and not any others?

    My dog will only come into my room to vomit and I'm tired of having to clean it up. He wont throw up in my parents' room or any others in the house. I walk him and feed him and this is how he repays me?Please help....
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog only throw up in my room and not any others?...

    • Why does my dog only throw up in my room and not any others?

      Why does my dog only throw up in my room and not any others? General Dog Discussions
      My dog will only come into my room to vomit and I'm tired of having to clean it up. He wont throw up in my parents' room or any others in the house. I walk him and feed him and this is how he repays me?Please help.

      Why does my dog only throw up in my room and not any others?

      Why does my dog only throw up in my room and not any others? General Dog Discussions
    • There can be several common reasons for his/her current upset stomach. Did you recently switch his dog food to an entirely different kind? The quick transition may have been too abrupt for his system, especially if he was used to eating the old kibble for a long period of time. You should gradually introduce a new diet by mixing the new food in with the old. Here's something about dog food and nutrition, http://miniurl.com/24828