Are dogs supposed to get depressed when losing their teeth?

I have 2 puppies they're both 5 months old and are losing their teeth. They are also pretty depressed and they don't want to eat. I'm getting worried? I have been feeding them by force that's the only way they eat. Not only that but they also vomit…

    Are dogs supposed to get depressed when losing their teeth?

    I have 2 puppies they're both 5 months old and are losing their teeth. They are also pretty depressed and they don't want to eat. I'm getting worried? I have been feeding them by force that's the only way they eat. Not only that but they also vomit…...
    General Dog Discussions : Are dogs supposed to get depressed when losing their teeth?...

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    • Are dogs supposed to get depressed when losing their teeth?

      Are dogs supposed to get depressed when losing their teeth? General Dog Discussions
      I have 2 puppies they're both 5 months old and are losing their teeth. They are also pretty depressed and they don't want to eat. I'm getting worried? I have been feeding them by force that's the only way they eat. Not only that but they also vomit almost everything they swallow! They have lost 4 teeth so far. Is that suppose to happen when teething?

      Are dogs supposed to get depressed when losing their teeth?

      Are dogs supposed to get depressed when losing their teeth? General Dog Discussions
    • This never happened when our dogs were puppies so I'm not quite sure about what it is that's happening? If I were you I'd take your puppies to the vet because its not good that they can't seem to keep anything down.

    • Your puppies shouldn't be vomiting everything they swallow, that is definitely not normal.I highly suggest taking them to a emergency vet, asap. Vomiting can dehydrate a puppy fast, not good.

    • Oh gee. No, puppies don't get *depressed* when they loose their deciduous *milk teeth.* How can a puppy become depressed if they don't even know what's happening to them? Dog's aren't humans, and human children get excited when they loose their teeth. They put their teeth under their pillow in hopes that the tooth fairy will come. When children grow up and learn the truth, they KNOW that the Tooth Fairy and Santa are their Parents.Don't force feed your puppies. Soak the food in warm water if you think you must, but that really isn't necessary either. They DO have other teeth in their mouth and they DO NOT chew food with their incisors. If your puppies are puking, they're sick. Take them to a VET. Something is wrong.

    • No when puppies lose their teeth, they are losing their baby teeth, to make room for their permanent teeth to come in. Sometimes they just swallow their teeth and you don't even know they are missing. Do not force feed them. If they are throwing up almost everything they swallow, they are very sick and they need a vet Immediately. Are they also throwing up water? If they are, they will become very Dehydrated very fast and they can die. Have your puppies been vaccinated against Parvo? If not, it is possible that's what they have. If they do have Parvo and you don't get off your computer and get them to a vet RIGHT NOW (Emergency Vets are open 24 hours), they will die for sure and it's a very painful death for the puppies. You don't want to take any chances. Timing is really important if they have Parvo and you want them to have any chance of surviving it. Puppies go downhill extremely fast and sometimes they don't make it even under a vets care, but it's the one and only chance they do have of surviving. Get off your computer and get both puppies to the vet NOW. Call first, just in case they do have Parvo, because Parvo is contagious to other dogs and the vet will want to bring you in a different door and put the puppies in ISOLATION, so they cannot infect other animals in the vets office. Take this very seriously and GO NOW. Do not wait for answers here. There is nothing that we can do to help your puppies. Only a vet can!