What to do when my border collie keeps throwing up?

Im 14, i have a border collie. She is really sick, and keeps throwing up everywhere. Her stomach hurts. I cant take her to the vet. I need help, advice?

    What to do when my border collie keeps throwing up?

    Im 14, i have a border collie. She is really sick, and keeps throwing up everywhere. Her stomach hurts. I cant take her to the vet. I need help, advice?...
    Dog Breed Discussions : What to do when my border collie keeps throwing up?...

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    • What to do when my border collie keeps throwing up?

      What to do when my border collie keeps throwing up? Dog Breed Discussions
      Im 14, i have a border collie. She is really sick, and keeps throwing up everywhere. Her stomach hurts. I cant take her to the vet. I need help, advice?

      What to do when my border collie keeps throwing up?

      What to do when my border collie keeps throwing up? Dog Breed Discussions
    • Kill it, your keeping your dog as a prisoner, you see other animals in the wild, yet its ok to keep a dog in an unatural habitat, no if I was a dog, which I am, I'd prefer to be running in fields, killing the fuck out of rabbits