how to train and get a schedule for a 3 month pitbull?

Yesterday I got a 3 month year old pitbull she's our first dog and I'm not really sure what to do about her because I really like her its just when when we go to school I'm gone for about 7-8 hrs Ican try to get someone to come around noon to take her…

    how to train and get a schedule for a 3 month pitbull?

    Yesterday I got a 3 month year old pitbull she's our first dog and I'm not really sure what to do about her because I really like her its just when when we go to school I'm gone for about 7-8 hrs Ican try to get someone to come around noon to take her…...
    General Dog Discussions : how to train and get a schedule for a 3 month pitbull?...

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    • how to train and get a schedule for a 3 month pitbull?

      how to train and get a schedule for a 3 month pitbull? General Dog Discussions
      Yesterday I got a 3 month year old pitbull she's our first dog and I'm not really sure what to do about her because I really like her its just when when we go to school I'm gone for about 7-8 hrs Ican try to get someone to come around noon to take her outside but she's alone for that time and she's not trained so we keep her in my bathroom while were gone but she pees everywhere & it smells horrible. So I need to know how train her & a schedule of when to feed her oh and I don't know if its normal or not that she sleeps alott like if Ijust sit down shell lay on the floor and take a nap, is that normal ?

      how to train and get a schedule for a 3 month pitbull?

      how to train and get a schedule for a 3 month pitbull? General Dog Discussions
    • Get a crate and crate train, she can olny hold it about 2 hours, so expect accidents. With any new dog you need to take to the vet, I would say in this case in needs to be asap, a puppy sleeping that much and sounds like peeing too much. I'm guessing some sort of infection.