what are the reasons as to why people shouldnt buy dogs from pet stores?

i wanted to tell my mom y. i told her that there were some reasons but i for got them.im not going to by them from a pet store. i never plan to. i will buy them from a shelter when i get one.

    what are the reasons as to why people shouldnt buy dogs from pet stores?

    i wanted to tell my mom y. i told her that there were some reasons but i for got them.im not going to by them from a pet store. i never plan to. i will buy them from a shelter when i get one....
    General Dog Discussions : what are the reasons as to why people shouldnt buy dogs from pet stores?...

    • The more people buy from pet store the more puppy mills make $$$ and they stay in buisness. I don't believe in puppy mills. The mothers are bred over and over again until they are worn out from so much labor and then the mother's get sent to the pound usually. That's what I've heard. If it's true it's cruel and inhumane!Shelters are the best option.

    • Its harder to potty train them - by keeping them in those display cages with the mesh on the bottom the dogs are forced to defecate where they sleep which goes against their instinct and is hard to undo (most potty training practises are based on that instinct). Dogs from pet stores are also usually hard to socialize again because of where they are kept. Lastly its spotty in terms of determining their pedigree and know about illnesses. And its not worth the money spent for all this! Go to a shelter or find a good breeder.

    • Pet stores are notorious about selling dogs that are not registrable (from puppy mills etc) and most of them are not well cared for i.e. proper shots, worming etc. Never buy from pet stores. Go to a shelter, a rescue group but not a pet store.

    • 1. Pet stores get their dogs from non-reputable people...anyone can bring in a litter of kittens, or puppies, cats or dogs and they will take them to sell them.2. They are usually not well cared for, not socialized.3. "Puppy mills" furnish pet stores with lots of pets. A puppy mill keeps it's breeding dogs in deplorable conditions, and rips the puppies from them whenever they want to and only care about quantity and money. Many of these dogs have health and behavior issues later. The breeding dogs are kept in their own feces, cages that are two small, do not get exercised, and many times do not even get adequate food and water. They do not get any human contact until they are to be bred or have their puppies taken from them. They don't get groomed, and many times their nails are growing into their foot pads and they have eye/ear/skin infections...4. Buying from petstores encourages irresponsible breeding. And more and more dogs wind up being euthanized, some not humanely. Some are gassed, shot, drowned, starved, any number of horrors await them. 5. Some pet stores tell people that the puppies/dogs are from "champion blood lines" and are papered. If you do your research, there may have been a champion somewhere in the family, but then the dog that the pups were bred from wound up in the hands of a puppy mill. "Papers" mean nothing if the health, temperment, and well being of the puppies is not an important factor.http://www.libertydogtraining.com

    • Basically because you never know what you're going to get. If a person is looking for a purebred dog, they should find a reputable and responsible breeder. They know how to breed out bad personality traits as well as health problems. If a person is looking for a lovable mutt then the animal shelter is the best place to go. An older shelter dog can be the best and most loyal friend you could ever have.

    • I'm with almost every answer. Most "pet store" dogs come from puppy mills and have a variety of issues. Mental and physical problems. You may be one of the few lucky ones and get a healthy dog, but I would go to a shelter or rescue agency. Puppy mills are the absolute worst thing to imagine. I have 2 rescued dogs from puppy mills. With great care, a lot of love and affection, tons of patience, they are recovering and learning what life should be.