Where to take an unvaccinated puppy potty in an apartment complex?

Hello all!I'm getting a new puppy, about 8 weeks old, who has had his first set of vaccinations. I live in an apartment complex (hence no private yard) that is pet friendly so many other dogs use the surrounding lawn and parks. I'm wondering how I can…

    Where to take an unvaccinated puppy potty in an apartment complex?

    Hello all!I'm getting a new puppy, about 8 weeks old, who has had his first set of vaccinations. I live in an apartment complex (hence no private yard) that is pet friendly so many other dogs use the surrounding lawn and parks. I'm wondering how I can…...
    General Dog Discussions : Where to take an unvaccinated puppy potty in an apartment complex?...

    • Where to take an unvaccinated puppy potty in an apartment complex?

      Where to take an unvaccinated puppy potty in an apartment complex? General Dog Discussions
      Hello all!I'm getting a new puppy, about 8 weeks old, who has had his first set of vaccinations. I live in an apartment complex (hence no private yard) that is pet friendly so many other dogs use the surrounding lawn and parks. I'm wondering how I can safely take him out to go potty since I'm afraid of him contracting a disease like parvo, etc. from the public areas. I'd really rather not use indoor potty pads since it will be so much harder to house break him later. Would taking him to a section of lawn that I spray with a bleach mix in preparation ok? I could go out every day to a lesser traffic area and disinfect it and use that for our potty spot perhaps?I am calling a vet later today to get their opinion as well, I just thought I would ask.Any thoughts and suggestions would be much appreciated.

      Where to take an unvaccinated puppy potty in an apartment complex?

      Where to take an unvaccinated puppy potty in an apartment complex? General Dog Discussions
    • I lived in an apartment complex when I got my puppy at 8 weeks old. I used potty pads in the beginning because I was too afraid to take him outside to potty until he had all of his shots. There are too many dogs pooping and their owners don't always clean up after them. Besides, Parvo lives on surfaces. It's microscopic and can be in the dust. It lives on dirt, concrete, grass, pavement, any surface. I didn't want to chance it. Even if an owner does pick up the poop and a tiny bit is left behind and their dog has Parvo, your dog will be exposed. I may be over protective but, years ago I had a puppy that survived Parvo. It's a horrible virus.