Leaving my puppy at home alone for a month?

So we're going on a vacation this summer or about a month, and I'm worried SICK about my puppy. WHAT SHOULD I DO?! My idiot parents are too cheap for doggy daycare. How much food shoudl I leave? HELP! Seriously!

    Leaving my puppy at home alone for a month?

    So we're going on a vacation this summer or about a month, and I'm worried SICK about my puppy. WHAT SHOULD I DO?! My idiot parents are too cheap for doggy daycare. How much food shoudl I leave? HELP! Seriously!...
    General Dog Discussions : Leaving my puppy at home alone for a month?...

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    • I am tempted to report this question to the RSPCA. Maybe they can trace you and send your parents to jail for animal cruelty, and give that poor little puppy to some owners who can look after him.If you can't afford to look after a dog, don't get a dog. It's pretty simple.

    • You are apparently just a kid, so I won't yell at you. But your parents are severely misguided if they think the dog can be left alone for a month. You need to either board the dog or find a housesitter. If they can't pay for boarding or a housesitter, then you have to work it out in favors with someone who is going to care for the dog. Maybe friend or relative will take the dog, for example, in return for some favor you do them later on. If they try to leave the dog alone, it won't work, and it's legally NEGLECT AND ANIMAL ABUSE. The dog will starve, become barky and destructive, could be stolen, etc. If they can't afford to properly care for the dog, they can't afford to go on vacation. Yes, it really is that simple.

    • 1.You cant do that cuz it's not right 2.it will be soooo streest out it'll die3.no matter how much food you leave it it will probly not be enuff4.your house will stink cuz it has to use the bath room 5.it WILL run out of waterYou need to find some one who can care for that pup

    • OK...First, relax. Do you have any friends or relatives you can leave your dog with? And even if you don't, your friend or relative can come and check on the dog, feed it, play with it, take it outside, etc.They could come as many times as you want to a day. (This works really well. We do this when we go on vacation.) You can leave them everything your dog needs (food, treats, bed, bowls, toys, anything else you need.) And you could leave / give the person a note with the amount of food and water to give them each day. Good luck, I hope I helped you!!

    • u never leave a puppy alone even for a day if u dont have the hime to care for it other ppl have and want to care to their pets so please u either give it so someone or take it wid u or give it to non kill shelters.. u should be responsible for that u get and leaving a puppy for 1 day alone is not and u r talking abt 1 month how could u even think abt that.

    • you can't be serious...you should never leave any animal alone for a day let alone a month...send him/her to me lol..we have not had a vacation in 10 yrs,for the reason we have to many critters to leave i dont even leave my horses alone for more than 2 days...take the lil.booger with you,look at it this way summers a long way away you have time to find a doggy sitter

    • First of all do NOT leave the dog at home with lots of food. Plus you will come home and you will have dog poop all over the floor. So I recommend a neighbor, freind ,or other relatives that arent going.

    • Have a talk to the police or animal welfare. Tell them what your parents intend to do and ask them to come and talk to your parents. They will find out they will be in big trouble with the law if they go away and leave the puppy to fend for itself. It wouldnt matter how much food you leave out, the dog will die of starvation and deydration. Whatever water you leave out will evaporate or get knocked over by the dog.To leave the dog alone for just a few days will have them arrested for abandonment of an animal. They will go to court and have a conviction for animal cruelty against their name. They will pay a large fine and maybe go to jail. Whatever penalty they get will cost them a lot more than boarding the dog in a reputable kennel.I imagine they're planning on leaving the puppy outside in the yard. You will come home to a dead dog unless a neighbor realises what is going on and reports it to the police. If this happens the dog will be seized and your parents will be prosecuted.I feel very sorry for you. Your parents have put you in a terrible position. I think it would be best for the puppy if you gave it to a shelter. At least it would be put up for adoption and wouldn't die a horrible death. I'm sure you don't want to part with your puppy but giving it up to a shelter may be it's only chance of staying alive..,.unless you and the police can convince them to put the puppy in a boarding kennel for the time you are away.With parents like this I have to ask why you got this puppy in the first place. No matter how well you try to care for the pup they will not agree to pay for necessary vet care and in the long run the puppy will suffer. I'm sure you're sick with worry you poor kid. It won't be much of a vacation for you.

    • I cannot believe I have just read your question, what sort of person are you? You cannot leave a dog alone for 24 hours and be considered a suitable animal owner, A month, please tell me you are winding us up. It is illegal, cruel and you will come back to a dead dog. If by some miracle it could survive the lack of food and water, the mental cruelty is unthinkable. How would you feel being left shut in and totally alone for a month with no company or stimulation. You would be mad in less than a week. Give your dog to someone who actually deserves to have one.