I took my puppy for a walk without her shots will she be okay?

I was taking to the breeder before i took her home about when i can take her to the river. He said not until after her shots but he said i could walk her and stuff but i just found out that it's really bad because it could get them very sick. I am very…

    I took my puppy for a walk without her shots will she be okay?

    I was taking to the breeder before i took her home about when i can take her to the river. He said not until after her shots but he said i could walk her and stuff but i just found out that it's really bad because it could get them very sick. I am very…...
    General Dog Discussions : I took my puppy for a walk without her shots will she be okay?...

    • I took my puppy for a walk without her shots will she be okay?

      I took my puppy for a walk without her shots will she be okay? General Dog Discussions
      I was taking to the breeder before i took her home about when i can take her to the river. He said not until after her shots but he said i could walk her and stuff but i just found out that it's really bad because it could get them very sick. I am very worried now. She is only 8 weeks old. What should i do?! I feel like a horrible person now. I don't want her to die. ;(

      I took my puppy for a walk without her shots will she be okay?

      I took my puppy for a walk without her shots will she be okay? General Dog Discussions
    • You could take her out just be careful because as a puppy she will get sick without her vaccinations, don't let her around other dogs unless you know they're healthy and same with people

    • will be she ok without a shots hmmm.well yes and no yes, because he will be fine for a few weeks or maybe a day some other dogs don't need shots but looks wellno, because it may cause death or being weak you must take care of your dog or bring it to the veterinarian to inject it...well hope it helps.... pls. rate it ^^

    • I am by no means a vet, or animal specialist, but I've been around lots of dogs. In fact I just helped my friend raise 7 puppies from day 1. So it isn't the greatest idea to take them for walks without shots, but you won't know for a day or so how your puppy is feeling. But if you notice she's not eating or drinking and very lethargic you probably want to call someone to look at her. I think your puppy will be fine, and if not there are specialists to help with that, best thing to do is have their numbers on hand and ready That's how you can be a good owner to your puppy through this

    • From my knowledge, you should not take your puppy on walks until it has ALL of the shots done. It can possibly get Parvo (a very dangerous, life- threatening disease). Check with your vet

    • It's true, you should never take a puppy anywhere that another dog could have been, without its shots. Keep a close eye on it, if it shows any sign of being unwell take it straight to the vet, don't take any chances.

    • I would definitely start getting this pup out and about. More pups and dogs are put down due to lack of socialisation than are put down for picking up some disease.Just avoid places where loads of people and other dogs frequent and carry it about most of the time.Get the pup vaccinated asap.It probably at this age still has "some " immunity passed on via its mother.Just use common sense until the pup has had all its shots. More info>>>http://www.puppyperfectors.com/puppy-soc…Read this Question and answers by Arnold.>>>Question>Do you have to wait a week after your puppies second vaccination before taking him out on a short walk?Or is this just a precaution?ArnoldThe biggest reason most people have behaviour problems with their dogs is due to lack of early socialisation and keeping a puppy away from everything at this age is going to affect it's future temperament. So there has to be a compromise. I wouldn't recommend you take your puppy anywhere and everywhere but carefully choosing areas that aren't too heavily dog populated would be ideal to start taking him. You can always carry him places too. Get him used to the car. Take him to friends houses. Walk with a friends dog providing it's friendly and healthy. Once the early weeks of a puppies life has gone, you can't regain it no matter how hard you try. It's important that 3-12 weeks of age the puppy isn't locked away. Their brain is like a little sponge at this stage - they learns, absorb information, and gets used to other amimals and people it has to spend the rest of it's life around. There is of course the risk of it catching an illness if you take it out and about but I'd personally rather risk that than have a nervous or unsociable dog for the next 15 years. A vet is obliged to tell you to keep it in until fully vaccinated because of the risk of disease but there is enough evidence to prove that this is terribly detrimental to the dogs future behaviour and ability to cope in society. Where is the most likely place your dog will get an illness from another ill dog? Where do people take their dog when it's sick or seriously ill? The vets - the most likely place your dog will pick up a disease yet we don't hesitate to take our new puppy there. Therefore the risks involved of taking your puppy to a friends house are minute in comparison. The reason dogs years ago were all sociable, well balanced etc is because vaccination programmes didn't exist and puppies were raised in a family home and mixed with lots of different things from walking age. Now thousands of dogs are euthanased every year because they are aggressive or unable to mix in society safely and this could have been avoided with early socialisation as well as other factors.

    • WOW ! Well my vet made it perfectly clear, that it would not be a good idea to take my puppy out and that he could get horribly sick due to the things he could catch from walking on the ground without his shots. Please try to be careful and get the shots before you walk her again this is just a suggestion.Good Luck !