Do you know any good sites about what I need to do for orphaned puppies?

My Cinnamon died this morning leaving the 6 1 day old puppies. She apparently got a very aggressive infection. I kept calling the emergency vet clinic. They kept telling me it sounded normal. Even though I told them there was a dark blackish green…

    Do you know any good sites about what I need to do for orphaned puppies?

    My Cinnamon died this morning leaving the 6 1 day old puppies. She apparently got a very aggressive infection. I kept calling the emergency vet clinic. They kept telling me it sounded normal. Even though I told them there was a dark blackish green…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do you know any good sites about what I need to do for orphaned puppies?...

    • Do you know any good sites about what I need to do for orphaned puppies?

      Do you know any good sites about what I need to do for orphaned puppies? General Dog Discussions
      My Cinnamon died this morning leaving the 6 1 day old puppies. She apparently got a very aggressive infection. I kept calling the emergency vet clinic. They kept telling me it sounded normal. Even though I told them there was a dark blackish green stuff coming out of her… that smelled horrible. They kept telling me it was placenta. They told me it was all normal. She became lethargic last night. I just could not get her to really respond to me much. I brought her into another clinic and they told me she was very ill. She died at 4:30 ish this morning…..I really need some help. I don’t know how much the babies should be drinking from the bottle in one feeding… should I let them feed until they fall asleep… or should I stop them from feeding once they get so much. I know I have to stimulate their bowels. What else….. Please help me. And please... no mean answers. I just spent 1200 trying to keep her alive. I admit.... my emergency ... and dog money have run out.We already have the puppies promised to people if they live.... it is just getting them to that point that is the hard part. we have more people than puppies at this point.. so loving homes and families are not a big issue. I am going to keep one myself.

      Do you know any good sites about what I need to do for orphaned puppies?

      Do you know any good sites about what I need to do for orphaned puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • Get milk formula for puppies keep them warm and together. If you can find another person to help care for them as they need to be fed every couple hours. My cousin had the same problem. All of the puppies may not make it but try because my cousins survived.

    • You need to keep the puppies warm (use a hot water bottle and/or turn the heat in the room up to 80 degrees). If they catch cold, they'll die within hours. You'll also need to feed the puppies about every two hours. Here is a great site for information on caring for newborns: of luck!You can also file a complaint on the clinic that gave you the misinformation about your dog. Google your state Veterinary Medical Examining Board. Chances are you aren't the first person who lost a dog because of the misinformation provided by the clinic. The more complaints that get file, the more likely it is the clinic will suffer sanctions and a shut down of services.If you're in California, and can get the pups to us, we'll take them in.

    • I had for kittens once like that just hours old, they have feeder bottles if that doesnt work well get an eye dropper and watch there tummies , it expands and they will pretty much stop when there full, if your feding with an eye dropper they will spit it back when there done , its like a baby about every two hours at night and threw the day , make sure you get the puppy milk , the vet, animal food stores and even wal mart has it . there might be a vet or a local animal shelter to help you with the right feeding stuff. best of luck to you , you can only do all you can

    • Oh I'm so sorry that happened. Please accept my condolences. My daughter has some medical knowledge, plus she breeds Labs. I'm trying to get in touch with her now and ask that she respond to your posting. You'll know it's her by her name...Nicole FSincerely..........

    • I am a breeder of labs, and hope that what I'm about to tell you will help. First off, I am so very very sorry for the loss you have endured. Secondly, you have to focus now on these little ones that will depend so very much upon you. Go to a pet or feed store and get the following items. 1) A nursing kit for puppies - this will come with one bottle, 3 nipples and a cleaning brush. You'll probably want to get 2 or 3 of them. You'll have to put the slit in the nipple yourself. You don't want it to come pouring out, but definitley to drip a small bit so that when they suckle, they will get the formula.2) Get some formula in both the can (already mixed) and powder formula - I suggest Esbilac. This is a great milk replacement. Use the premixed formula first to make sure they will respond to it and to make sure they are getting the right amount of nutrients. It's around 2.50 per can and the powder I think runs around 7.00 per can.When nursing the puppies, you'll want to hold them in your hand as if they were laying on their tummies, hold the bottle up a bit. Make sure you have a towel around them so that if they have an accident, your clothes are protected. You usually have to stimulate, but accidents do happen! Let them feed until they are full - usually an ounce is about all they will take. Because they are drinking from a bottle, hold them in one hand, tummy against your palm and pat on the back to work the air up from their tummies. They may or may not burp, usually they do though. They will feed about every 3 hours, so sleep when you can! As far as stimulating goes, make sure you use a warm washcloth on them to stimulate the bowels. I wish you all the luck in the world. You have a very hard job ahead of you. My prayers are with you. Keep in touch with your vet for support.One last thing - a laundry basket to keep them in works best when this small. Put a sheet or light blanket in with them - wrap them when they are sleeping - they need to maintain their body heat.