How can I train my two border collie puppies, both of which are almost 3 months old?

I have two border collie puppies almost 3 months old. They are brother and sister and have never been seperated, I think that is part of their problem. I can't get them to stop using their cage as their "potty" area so they are constantly needing to be…

    How can I train my two border collie puppies, both of which are almost 3 months old?

    I have two border collie puppies almost 3 months old. They are brother and sister and have never been seperated, I think that is part of their problem. I can't get them to stop using their cage as their "potty" area so they are constantly needing to be…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How can I train my two border collie puppies, both of which are almost 3 months old?...

    • How can I train my two border collie puppies, both of which are almost 3 months old?

      How can I train my two border collie puppies, both of which are almost 3 months old? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have two border collie puppies almost 3 months old. They are brother and sister and have never been seperated, I think that is part of their problem. I can't get them to stop using their cage as their "potty" area so they are constantly needing to be bathed. I limit their food and water and they plenty of time to go outside before coming in. What's the deal? They also have severe jealousy issues to the point where they are actually hurting each other to prevent one from getting attention.

      How can I train my two border collie puppies, both of which are almost 3 months old?

      How can I train my two border collie puppies, both of which are almost 3 months old? Dog Breed Discussions
    • I would respectfully suggest you read a couple of books and watch some videos on raising and training dogs. Also, I recommend two TV shows, "The Dog Whisperer" with Cesar Millan on the National Geographic Channel, and "It's Me or the Dog," with Victoria Stillwell, on Animal Planet. Both programs are very instructive and often deal with the issues you raise here. Good luck!

    • Are they in the same crate together? They need to have their own individual crates.Take all bedding out of the crates. Make sure they can only turn around, lay down, and stand up in there crates. Give them NO extra room besides that.Further research read bellow: Below are Crate Training/House Training Tips.When you are leaving the house, or going to bed for the night, do the following. Never actually shove the dog in the crate, either throw treats in there, or sqeek a toy and put it in there. The dog will eventually learn that they have to go in, if you place them in front of the crate, and say the word.. Place the dog in the crate, along with some safe toys. Close the door, give a treat, and say your crate command.(Such as, night night, crate, or bed). Leave.**I DO NOT SUGGEST CRATING PUPPIES THAT ARE YOUNGER THAN 12 WEEKS**Repeat slowly extending the time, and make sure you leave time between kennel times, to spend with your puppy. Never expect your puppy to stay in his kennel longer than the age he is in months plus one. (example, if your puppy is 5 months old, only leave it in there for 6 hours. No dog/puppy should stay in it's kennel longer than 7-8 hours.Rules:1.Try to teach them that their crate is a good place. Reward them when you place them in the crate. This is teaching them, that a treat comes with good crate behavior. Always keep your dog in the crate, unless you can keep a good eye on him. 2. Another option, if you do not want to place your dog in the kennel all of the time, hook his leash to your belt loop, this way he can not go off and use the restroom somewhere, and you don't know about it. 3.Always take him outside after;(ON A LEASH); rough play, after he eats or drinks, after being let out of his crate, after he wakes up after a night or if he is,sniffing,staring at you,whining, or sitting at the door.4.Don't ever hit your dog, or rub his nose in his mess. This will just teach the dog to be afraid of you. 5.Don't feed him or give him to much water, before you plan to put him in his cage.6.Don't expect your dog to hold it's restroom, more than the age of the dog in months, plus one. But no dog should have to hold it's bladder more than a 7-8 hours.7.Be patient!! That is the key, to housetraining. Of course if you get too overwelmed, you can always buy a book, or ask a professional trainer!8.Always, when he goes to the bathroom ouside, give lots of praise and treats!!9. If you expect your puppy to go outside, and dont use puppy pads when he gets older, starting out with puppy pads, is not a good idea, because this trains them that it's ok to go inside, and then before they know it, they cant, it is to confusing for them.10. Work out a schedule that fits your lifestyle. Feed your dog the same time every day.11.When you go outside, stay outside until he uses the restroom. 12. Dogs while first potty training, need to go outside every 2-3 hours.13.Do not make the dog smell his mess, strike him or lock him ouside. This will just confuse the pup, and it might be afraid of you. 14. Ignore whining, unless you KNOW that he/she has to go to the bathroom.Good Luck!

    • read this link it is about how to house train properly Collies are VERY smart dogs - they often have submissive urination problems though - read the link!