What should i do with a 6 week old puppy?

what do i feed it what dont i feed it ,etc how can i train itoh and i got from a nice lady down the street today what do i do if its shaking does that mean its scared really need help?

    What should i do with a 6 week old puppy?

    what do i feed it what dont i feed it ,etc how can i train itoh and i got from a nice lady down the street today what do i do if its shaking does that mean its scared really need help?...
    General Dog Discussions : What should i do with a 6 week old puppy?...

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    • What should i do with a 6 week old puppy?

      What should i do with a 6 week old puppy? General Dog Discussions
      what do i feed it what dont i feed it ,etc how can i train itoh and i got from a nice lady down the street today what do i do if its shaking does that mean its scared really need help?

      What should i do with a 6 week old puppy?

      What should i do with a 6 week old puppy? General Dog Discussions
    • In some states it is illegal to take a puppy that young away from its mother, it is just too young to be separated. It needs its mother for a couple more weeks in order to remain healthy.

    • You should feed it gravy train. For training u should go to a clinic with your dog. If it is shaking it is scared in its new environment. It will get used to u soon. Buy it some toys and bones.

    • Bring the puppy back to the lady down the street and tell her it is illegal to give or sell a pup that is 6 weeks old. The pup needs to stay with it's mom until 8 weeks old.

    • Take it back to its mom. If you don't, the pup could be scarred for life and grow up insecure. The only way to prevent this is to have it raised by an experienced puppy pro or keep it with its mother. By keeping a pup this young, the dog will probably become nervous, insecure and even a fer-biter.

    • Sigh..your puppy was to young to take from it's mother.This is going to have consequences in it's future unless you seek PROFESSIONAL help now. A pup must be with it's mother and litter mates until at least 8 weeks old, and preferably longer. If it is taken to early, it misses out on important lessons from its mom and littermates, on how to be a dog. Your puppy did not get enough time to learn bite inhibition, dog body language, how to act with other dogs, etc.This can have a detrimental impact on your pup's confidence, self esteem, and ability to function as a well rounded dog in the future.Food: feed a high quality diet like the ones at http://www.frrco.com/121668 Get it to a vet immediately. If you can't afford to do so, do the right thing and find someone who can take good care of it.Please check out my website for house training/crate training info. You will need a lot of guidance to ensure this pup grows up well socialized and confident.Your dog's chances for separation anxiety are much greater, as it was taken so young from it's family....please read my article about separation anxiety and what to do to prepare yourself:http://www.libertydogtraining.com/FAQ_separationanxiety.htmlhttp://www.libertydogtraining.com/breeding.html

    • Dry puppy food is the best way to go. If the puppy is very small you can moisten it with warm water to make it easier for him/her to eat. Feed him as much as he will eat in 5 minutes or so, then take him outside to go potty. Most puppies will have a bowel movement within10-20 minutes of eating when young. And don't give him milk. After the mother weans the puppy, they stop making the enzyme needed to digest milk and will get gassy and have diarrhea.Shaking can be a sign of fear or nervousness. Try putting your puppy in an empty cardboard box in a quiet corner. Put some old blankets or clothing in for a nice, soft bed. Let him come out as he is ready to explore and leave the box available for him to retreat to is he gets scared. You can also get a crate from the pet store and try this. Dogs like to have their own space, their own 'den' if you like. This makes him feel secure and safe. Take him to see a vet as soon as possible. He is young and will need a series of vaccinations to keep him healthy. While he is nursing from the mother he gets all his immunity from her, through her milk. When this is gone he'll need to build his own immune system. They will reccomend a vaccination schedule and let you know when his is old enough to be neutered (usually 4-months).Training can wait until the puppy is settled, aside from taking him out frequently to go potty. Take him to the the area you want him to go and when he does, praise him profusely and tell him what a good dog he is. It may surprise you how quickly he learns this way. When he gets a bit older, get a soft puppy collar and leash and put it on him and let him drag it around the house a little bit to get used to it, ALWAYS supervised in case he gets caught up in something. Then when he doesn't fight it, take the end of the leash, give a little tug, call his name and ask him to come to you. If he even makes a step toward you, reward him with lots of praise and a little treat. (His own dog food makes great training treats.) Always give him appropriate things to chew on. I don't care for rawhides or the chewable dental-type treats. Many dogs swallow these and they get stuck somewhere in the digestive tract, usually requiring surgery to remove. I think the best dog chewy toys are Kong toys or the soft plush toys, provided he isn't the kind to destroy they and swallow some of it. Good luck with your new friend!

    • um i guess if u want to raise it u should go get 2! then he will have a brother to play w/ if your up for the responsibility. they have puppy milk in a can at pet stores pet co, .. that say they r similar 2 there moms milk. u should check it out on web c what is better. u can cook natural foods for your dog but that is expensive. check out sites c what puppy food u like better. eukanuba is good. u should train him on your own, not till he is 4 months just let him b a puppy till then. get books. have fun with whatever u do. your gunna wanna get a cage to litter train him, and later he will like it as his own space. keep in mind he will grow. o and if hes a boy dont cut his balls off how would you like no balls r so. what kind of dog is it??

    • wheres its mother? it needs to feed from her!!! take good care of your puppy and search up on the internet or somthing about pets be for hand, thats what i did. your puppy at a younge age needs your help to survive, it needs u there for it if it does not have a mother.