How long should I exercise my Husky/Border Collie Mix Puppy?

I have a 4 month husky/border collie mix pup. I play catch with her a lot (2 30 min trips a day) every day and I let her run around a lot (about 1~2 hours daily). I read in another posting that I shouldn't make her run too much as it'll hurt her…

    How long should I exercise my Husky/Border Collie Mix Puppy?

    I have a 4 month husky/border collie mix pup. I play catch with her a lot (2 30 min trips a day) every day and I let her run around a lot (about 1~2 hours daily). I read in another posting that I shouldn't make her run too much as it'll hurt her…...
    Dog Breed Discussions : How long should I exercise my Husky/Border Collie Mix Puppy?...

    • How long should I exercise my Husky/Border Collie Mix Puppy?

      How long should I exercise my Husky/Border Collie Mix Puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
      I have a 4 month husky/border collie mix pup. I play catch with her a lot (2 30 min trips a day) every day and I let her run around a lot (about 1~2 hours daily). I read in another posting that I shouldn't make her run too much as it'll hurt her health when she's older.Is that right? She seems ok.

      How long should I exercise my Husky/Border Collie Mix Puppy?

      How long should I exercise my Husky/Border Collie Mix Puppy? Dog Breed Discussions
    • As your puppy ages, you should slowly build up her stamina. Puppies bones aren't that strong and aren't fully developed yet, so let her run around enough to get enough exercise, but not too much. Good luck with your puppy!

    • The time you spend exercising her now is enough, especially by letting her run around at her own pace. Too much exercise at such a young age can cause muscles and ligaments to tear. When she gets older you should probably up the ante a bit so she doesn't get bored and chew up your trash and furniture.

    • You can let her run around and play all she wants. What damages a young puppy's joints and ligaments is forced running. In other words, if you were to put a leash on her and take her jogging with you, that would do a lot of damage. But if she's just running around in the yard and playing, she's fine!

    • It's a good idea to be cautious of hard, jarring exercise like repetitive jumping when puppies are young. I'm not certain about huskies, but border collies have a VERY high, properly ridick exercise requirement! She's probably getting a good amount of exercise for her with free running time and your games of catch. It doesn't sound like you're over-running her at all. It's important for Border Collies to also have lots of mental stimulation... have her find a scented toy under buckets... or learn new words... or follow a scent or stalk an object. Sometimes all the physically running in the world isn't enough for a border collie as they need the mental stimulation as well. 20 minutes of figuring out how to find treats hidden under cups in the backyard can tire them as well. Lots of dogs don't need it as much (or at all) but Border Collies have to have dedicated mental exercise time daily as well as part of their wellness plan. Four months is a great age! Enjoy her. :)

    • Try to give her a walk every day. Probably a 30 min walk. And since its part border collie, it will want to play A LOT. ive had 4 border collies now and they LOVE to run. so make sure she gets to run. It shouldnt affect her health too much. It might even help her in the future.

    • As a very general rule, most active adult dogs benefit from a thirty-minute run or one-hour walk every day. Of course, that varies. In most cases, your dog will let you know whether he's getting enough exercise. If he's hyperactive or chewing everything in sight, he may need more. If he's reluctant to go with you at walk time, lags behind, or stops or lies down frequently on your outings, you may be asking too much of him.Read more here...