How long can a dog go without pooping ?

my dog has been constipated and wont go to the bathroom im a lil worried bout her all she does is hide behind the toilet and i have no clue why and help here?

    How long can a dog go without pooping ?

    my dog has been constipated and wont go to the bathroom im a lil worried bout her all she does is hide behind the toilet and i have no clue why and help here?...
    General Dog Discussions : How long can a dog go without pooping ?...

    • How long can a dog go without pooping ?

      How long can a dog go without pooping ? General Dog Discussions
      my dog has been constipated and wont go to the bathroom im a lil worried bout her all she does is hide behind the toilet and i have no clue why and help here?

      How long can a dog go without pooping ?

      How long can a dog go without pooping ? General Dog Discussions
    • You may have to change her food to a canned food temporarily because it is richer and will make her poop. If this doesn't work there are laxatives out there that will help you with this.

    • A dog should poop every day. If she's gone 3 days or more without pooping this is something to discuss with your vet. If it's only been a day or two, try feeding her some canned pumpkin and make sure she's drinking plenty of water. If she's up to it take her out for a long walk or run. Exercise will often help move things along. Hopefully it is just constipation, and you may need to change her diet. HOWEVER, realize that bowel obstructions are VERY dangerous, so if she is showing any addtional signs of being sick....lethargy, vomiting, not eating, etc, she needs to see the vet immediately.

    • A dog poops at least 6 hours or less. but its best to take your dog out at least twice a day so he want go in the the house. But if your expecting to house train your dog you should take him out at least 4 times a day so he can know that outside is were he should poop. and every time he uses the bathroom outside praise her so she knows its a good thing to go outside. P.S. check around the house just incase, you never know where dog leave their dropplets

    • If her anal glands need expressed because they haven't been expressing themselves when your dog will become very painful for them and they wont poop. I know this because it just happened to my puppy last week. You should definitely take hers to the vet he could have possibly swallowed something that isn't allowing her to poop also. Or she could just be constipated your vet can help with that also. Either way you should take her to the vet if she doesn't have a BM soon she could start vomiting it could be something minor or something very serious. There is no way to tell without getting checked over by a vet.