How can I make my puppy eat?

When I came home yesterday (after an hour of being gon), she was eating the dry food I told my mom not to give her. I make food for her myself and am strongly AGAINST store bought food. Ever since then, she's refusing to eat anything. She won't eat dry…

    How can I make my puppy eat?

    When I came home yesterday (after an hour of being gon), she was eating the dry food I told my mom not to give her. I make food for her myself and am strongly AGAINST store bought food. Ever since then, she's refusing to eat anything. She won't eat dry…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I make my puppy eat?...

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    • How can I make my puppy eat?

      How can I make my puppy eat? General Dog Discussions
      When I came home yesterday (after an hour of being gon), she was eating the dry food I told my mom not to give her. I make food for her myself and am strongly AGAINST store bought food. Ever since then, she's refusing to eat anything. She won't eat dry food, wet food or even homemade food (which she was going crazy for just the other day). I need to give her deworming medication. I put some broth from the chicken I was boiling for her into some normal dog food to mix her worm medicine in but she wouldn't even look at it. It's powder so I can't just force it down her throat.I can't even get her to eat a piece of chicken, all she ate today was a tiny piece of hotdog and about 1/4 cup of dry food. I know she has to be hungry. I can't take her to the vet until the 28th. But in the mean time, I don't know what to do. Any suggestions?_____She's a 2 month old Huksy / German Shepard mix, if it makes a difference.Ahh... I forgot that she's teething. Though I can't even get her to chew on anything hard. I bought some bones and "teething toys" for her today (after she shocked herself chewing on my laptop cord...) and she won't touch those either. -_-

      How can I make my puppy eat?

      How can I make my puppy eat? General Dog Discussions
    • Puppies can be fickle with food. Its fine to eat dry kibbles provided they are full of the proper nutrients and not the cheaper fatty ones. In the meantime, leave the food there, if she is hungry she wont have a choice but to go and eat it. Its nearly impossible to force her

    • Sometimes with my dog when he sniffs the food and leaves or looks displeased with the meal, i play a little game with him and it usually works for a while :) I get the kibble (you could do this with whatever food you choose) and tease him with it for a bit to get his attention first. Then i might pretend to eat it, and usually that makes him rush over and bark me away and immediately consume us much as he can. Othertimes ill roll the food away and make him fetch it like a ball game, he usually enjoys this and comes back quickly for the next throw after he has eaten it. Other times i might put a kibble on his head and let it roll off and he snatches it hahaha. Not sure, these things work for me, though some might have to be repeated if your puppy loses interest. Give it a try ^^

    • I have a Yorkshire Terrier which are the pickiest eaters there are. Your puppy is not going to starve itself don't worry about that. However, that being said, make sure she doesnt become dehydrated and that she doesnt play too much so that her sugar becomes low. Should that happen and she becomes lathargic give her a bit of honey on her tongue. This is also a great way to give her the medication you want to give to her, just mix it up in the honey and put it in her mouth. She will have to lick the honey from her yupper mouth and swallow it. If her eating problems persist it is probably because of her teething. Those milk teeth hurt when they are coming out and being replaced with her lifetime teeth. Good luck to you.