My dog is underweight and she is not eating her puppy chow what should i do ?

I just got this 9 month old coonhound lab mix and she wasent in the greatist plce for living she was very stinkey and skinney and we can even see her ribs she is breathing very fast and we thought she whould pig out when we got her puppy chow but she…

    My dog is underweight and she is not eating her puppy chow what should i do ?

    I just got this 9 month old coonhound lab mix and she wasent in the greatist plce for living she was very stinkey and skinney and we can even see her ribs she is breathing very fast and we thought she whould pig out when we got her puppy chow but she…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is underweight and she is not eating her puppy chow what should i do ?...

    • My dog is underweight and she is not eating her puppy chow what should i do ?

      My dog is underweight and she is not eating her puppy chow what should i do ? General Dog Discussions
      I just got this 9 month old coonhound lab mix and she wasent in the greatist plce for living she was very stinkey and skinney and we can even see her ribs she is breathing very fast and we thought she whould pig out when we got her puppy chow but she sniffed it and walked away what should i do get her a new puppy chow or canned food anything to make her gain more weight pls help thank you.

      My dog is underweight and she is not eating her puppy chow what should i do ?

      My dog is underweight and she is not eating her puppy chow what should i do ? General Dog Discussions
    • Mix her food with that canned food for dogs. That's what I do for my dog she's so spoiled she won't eat her plain dry food at all if u don't add anything to it. Chicken broth juice can work too.

    • Just mix it with wet food. I work at a pet hotel and that is what we do for dogs that wont eat. Make sure to really mix it and dont just put the wet food on top. Some people thing that their pet will learn tp never eat plain dog food again because they get used to the wet, but trust me this is not the case. Hope this helps :)

    • Try changing her diet or mixing it with wet food my dogs pick out the wet food and save the dry food for later though if your dogs like that but doesnt eat the dry food at all try warming it upor watering it down with chicken broth gravy or water it might be too hard and crunchy for her or she might have a tape worm thats eating her food when she eats it could make her sick mabe she doesnt like the feeling and thats why she wont eat.

    • If your dog is breathing very fast, that could be a sign of a more serious problem. I would take her to the vet right away and have her thoroughly checked out, if you haven't done so already. She could have swallowed something that is preventing her from eating, she could have heartworms, or she could be really sick. Dogs stop eating when they are sick. Please take her to the vet and let the pros tell you what is wrong.

    • Actually, at 3 months we need to slowly starts giving the puppy puppy chow (hard food). Moisten it with water at first (until it is not hard and soft in the middle) and then after a week of moistening it with water, we would make it so it is harder in the middle, and then after a week of that we can try giving the puppies hard puppy chow...!!