My Now my dog will only eat from my hand and not the food bowl what should I do?

I have a new puppy and it used to eat this triangular kind of puppy food, royal something or other, but it wouldnt eat much. Right before we decided to change the food she got sick, and we took her to the vet, and the vet told us to giver her some rice…

    My Now my dog will only eat from my hand and not the food bowl what should I do?

    I have a new puppy and it used to eat this triangular kind of puppy food, royal something or other, but it wouldnt eat much. Right before we decided to change the food she got sick, and we took her to the vet, and the vet told us to giver her some rice…...
    General Dog Discussions : My Now my dog will only eat from my hand and not the food bowl what should I do?...

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    • My Now my dog will only eat from my hand and not the food bowl what should I do?

      My Now my dog will only eat from my hand and not the food bowl what should I do? General Dog Discussions
      I have a new puppy and it used to eat this triangular kind of puppy food, royal something or other, but it wouldnt eat much. Right before we decided to change the food she got sick, and we took her to the vet, and the vet told us to giver her some rice and chicken , until she was all better. She got better very quick, and after that even ate some dry dog food. After she got better we decided to gradually change the dog food. So we put a lot of triangled ones and a couple of round ones which I think are (iams). She wouldnt eat neither. As a matter of fact she would pick them up place them on the floor and start playing, she really enjoyed playing with the round ones. So eventually I just picked it up and put it in my hand so she could eat it.Now my dog will only eat from my hand and not the food bowl what should I do?Just would like to mention the dog foods areroyal caninandIAMs

      My Now my dog will only eat from my hand and not the food bowl what should I do?

      My Now my dog will only eat from my hand and not the food bowl what should I do? General Dog Discussions
    • Stop feeding her from your hand. She'll eat out of the bowl when she's hungry...if she doesn't eat for more than a couple of days I would take her to the vet. Iams isn't a good food just so you know.

    • Goodness! Don't worry; if you stop feeding her from her hand and she gets hungry enough, she will go to her food. I'm not saying starve her, just stop feeding her by hand.I learned that the hard way.

    • IF you stop feeding it by hand, eventually it WILL eat from the bowl. Believe me, it will not starve. It may have enough will power to last a few days to see if you will give in or not, but eventually when it's hungry enough, it will eat from the bowl. You need to stop feeding it by hand and let it eat from the bowl on it's own.

    • If the puppy is healthy, I'm not sure why you would change the food. Not all dogs eat a lot... and some dogs eat a LOT less than what the kibble bags recommend. I feed my pups 3-4 times a day depending on their age. Set the food down for 10 minutes and then pick it up. They can "earn" special treats (a different brand of high quality dog food ... IAMS is NOT high quality, merely high priced) by working for it... sitting, lying down, coming etc... I would not feed a dog by hand that wasn't working for it.For what its worth... Iams is not a good food, Royal Canin is somewhat better.. there are bunch of very good foods that do not have fillers and low quality ingredients.. such as Innova, Wellness, California Natural and Solid Gold.

    • You're not the only one.Try this:Put some of the food in your hand and feed it to her while you're close to the bowl. Just give her small bites. Move your hand closer to the bowl everytime you give her some.At last, feed her with your hand inside the bowl a couple of time. And then put some in the bowl but keep your hand in the bowl as well. Eventually she will eat out of the bowl then. Don't give up, this might take some time.This worked with the dog of a friend of mine who would also only eat from the hand.Good luck and maybe you'd like to tell if it worked.

    • First, stop feeding it IAMS - that food is crap. Feed Canidae or Innova. Then, just leave its food in its bowl. He will not starve himself, he will eventually learn that if he wants food he will have to eat out of the bowl. Stop spoiling your dog!

    • this may sound mean but, Stop feeding her from your hand all together (no treats unless she eats them from her dish, no people food), let the food sit in the dish, put what ever she takes out back in the dish and "no not a toy you eat it." Remember she will eat when she gets hungry your dog won't starve her shelf too long. Or try getting a new dog dish she may not like that one. But try not feeding her from your hand.

    • Have you tried adding some wet food? Wet food is pretty inexpensive and makes dry a lot more appealing. It's also fine to cook up a little chicken, beef, pork, zuccini, or sweet potato and mix that with her food. Don't continue to feed her from your hand though, unless you want to do that forever. She won't starve herself to death, just stop catering, she'll eat when she's hungry enough.